Description of designations
- completed - the active phase of development is over, fixes are only based on player reports
- in progress - the process of active correction by the developer(s) is underway, player reports are being accepted and actively corrected
- in plans - there are plans for rescripting, reports are accepted, fixing mostly critical problems
- base implementation - the rework was not done, but the instance is working and we pass
- Implementation of the work of Pandaria based on the core of the Legion - completed
- Transfer of anti-cheat from LK - completed
- Restoration of development on the addon - completed
- Translation of the kernel to a new exe with x64 support - completed
- Rewriting of the game world, repopulation of locations - in progress
- Warrior - rewrite completed
- Hunter - rewriting completed
- Rogue - rewriting completed
- Mage - rewriting completed
- Shaman - rewriting completed
- Death Knight - rewriting completed
- Priest - rewriting completed
- Druid - rewriting completed
- Monk - rewriting completed
- Warlock - rewriting completed
- Paladin - rewrite completed
- Current progress - collecting information on the remaining bugs in the general list
- Items
- Legendary cloak effects work - rewrite completed
- Mists of Pandaria content accessories - collection of information, rewriting along the way, in progress - 33%
Pandaria Zones:
- Jade Forest - Quests are being rewritten.
- Valley of the Four Winds - Working satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Kun-Lai Summit - Working satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Krasarang Wilds - Working satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Townlong Steppes - Working satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Creepy wastelands - Works satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Working satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Wandering Island - Works satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Timeless Island - Working satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Isle of Thunder - Works satisfactorily. Awaiting full rescript.
- Dungeons of Mogu'shan - rewrite completed
- Terrace of Endless Spring - rewriting completed
- Heart of Fear - rewriting completed
- Throne of Thunder - rewriting completed
- Siege of Orgrimmar - 60% in progress
- Mogu'shan Palace - base implementation
- Stortstout Brewery - base implementation
- Temple of the Jade Serpent - Rewriting completed
- Siege of Niuzao Temple - base implementation
- Shado-Pan Monastery - rewriting completed
- Gate of the Setting Sun - base implementation
- School School - rewriting completed
- Scarlet Halls - rewriting completed
- Scarlet Monastery - rewrite completed
- Implementation of new scenarios - in progress 90%
World bosses
- Sha of Fear - rewriting completed
- Galleon - rewriting complete
- Undasta - waiting full rescripting
- Nalak - waiting full rescript
- Celestials - to be fully rewritten
- Ordos - waiting full rescript