- Output of the correct rounding when calculating the base number per customer. Fixed integer loss bug displayed on auras. http://tracker.legionbugs.com/view.php?id=7485
- Fixed a bug, when the end of the effects of stunning at the time of the active effect of "Choke" (approx. Https://wowhead.com/spell=108194) the target could move
- Improved node for returning energies in case of unsuccessful attacks (miss, evasion, parrying):
- Now, with unsuccessful attacks, abilities will not accumulate secondary energy (qi, light energy).
- Now, on failed attacks, abilities will spend a small part of their energy.
- Now, on failed attacks, abilities will not spend secondary energy.
- Fixed a bug when the passive effect "Unity of intentions" could be saved when equipped with a two-handed weapon
- Rewrote the mechanism for selecting targets with the passive ability https://wowhead.com/spell=81749, now the wounded target has a choice not by the amount of health, but is determined by the fullness of the health scale
- Rewritten the implementation of the accumulation of the "Divine Protection" effect.
- Fixed the conflict of imposing a shield from "Divine Protection" on one target between two or more priests
- Fixed a bug where the effects of the solar and lunar eclipses and the parade of planets are not recalculated when changing the mastery for the "Balance" specialization
- Fixed bug with reloading solar and lunar eclipses
- Fixed a bug where the bonus from different types of weapons of the passive ability "Monk's Way" could work at the same time
- Fixed deletion of clones on repeated uses or when canceling the spell of the ability "Storm, earth and fire"
- Fixed a bug where the threat level transferred from the hunter to the target, created by wowhead.com/spell=34477, remained even after the completion of this ability. Ability will no longer be interrupted when mounted on a mount
- Fixed disabling the command "Attack" for a pet when it periodically makes dashes and attacks with the talent "Lynx Fury"
- Now the use of the talent "Sacred Shield" will correctly display its value in the tooltip of the active aura
Death Knight:
- Rewrote the implementation code for the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=49028
- Rewritten the implementation code of the ability "Pestilence" (50842)
- Fixed a bug where passive abilities "Thassarian's Threat" and "Power of the frozen wastelands could work at the same time
- "Swiftness of the Ancestors" - bug fix, now bonuses of the speed of casting spells can stack for the shaman himself