- Fixed about 5 causes of server crashes
- Rewritten system of game object updates, should eliminate several server crashes and increase the stability of the server
- Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=68722, https://wowhead.com/spell=68723 buffs on conquest island
- Fixes on the quest https://wowhead.com/quest=10439
- Fixed a bug that could cause the inability to give experience from the premium
- New, more correct system of crossfaction was implemented, many bugs related to it were fixed
- More premium account options:
- Now with premium account strength of items will be lost in half the time
- All flight points will be available
- It will be possible to disable pvp mode on pvp servers (analog of warmod mode)
- Fixed bug that led to the faction disabling in arenas (enemies would become hostile)
- In dungeons, the PvE mode will always work
- Fixed exploits and small script tweaks for the "Four Horsemen" in the raid https://wowhead.com/naxxramas
- Rewritten script, fixed a lot of problems and bugs, including visual ones in https://wowhead.com/npc=11583
- Fixes to https://wowhead.com/npc=29266
- Scripts update and edit expo from dungeon bosses https://wowhead.com/the-violet-hold
- Major technical update and scripting tweaks, added/updated some cosmetic raid evens https://www.wowhead.com/zone=7734
- Bloody Princes Council - fixed the old problem with aggro of 'inactive' bosses.
- https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=10429 rewritten the script, fixed the encounter in the raid https://classic.wowhead.com
- Now it will not be possible to remove donated items
- Fixed duping items from loot bags
- Fixed the Trader's Bugs bug
- Fixed an issue where a player was not kicked out of a party after being away from the BG
- Adjusted to display arena top stats
- Fixed portal work for the cross faction in Dalaran
- It will now be possible to buy items in quantities greater than 255 if the stack is larger
- Arrow stacks in vendors will now be bought in stacks of 1000
- Fixed an issue where equipping https://wowhead.com/item=49623 or any palladin manuscript would have a 30 second kill time on the item.
- https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=20293 Fixed a bug where it dealt damage to a caster (palladin).
- https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=348704 fixed bug when it didn't work with https://wowhead.com/spell=71433