Corrections for July 2024



  • For player abilities with a target area action, damage will not be lowered a second time when the number of targets exceeds 20, as this lowering is due to the basic division of damage by the number of targets
  • Legendary item tokens: implementation of a check for all legendary items on account characters. Now the token will only create items of other classes if they do not have all legendary items on them.(If there are characters who have all legendary items, you will need to enter the world with them to adjust the tokens)
  • Fixed an issue where a repeat legendary item could drop.
  • Исправлена проблема, когда спеллы вехиклов/питомцев с типом таргета TARGET_UNIT_TARGET_ALLY не кастовались если выбрана неподходящая цель. Теперь такие заклинания будут кастится в самого кастера, если выбранная цель не подходит.
  • Fixed an issue where the tanking dummy would stop attacking after an eveid.
  • Fixed an issue where repeatedly clicking on an artifact smithy would cause all units within ~20 meters to disappear.
  • Invite a Friend: Fixed the "Invite a Friend" feature. Also fixed use from the icon in the friends menu or through the group frame.
  • Fixed an issue with SPELL_AURA_PROC_TRIGGER_DAMAGE damage not taking into account the effective lv damage for a target
  • implemented tailor bonus
  • Fixed a problem when using profession related objects, recipes were learned even if the profession itself was not learned.
  • - added dialog for cab
  • - added dialog for cab






  • Added a command to anstac bots. Bots will now disappear if there are no live players in a boss battle. Bots will now try to exit some wade zones.
  • Game events have been added to the pool. Such as love fever etc.
  • Scenarios have been added to the pool, such as Battle for Valshara, etc.

Dungeon Quest:

  • Realization of a new PP mode: Legion Random Dungeon(epochal). Under config.


  • Fixed a bug where the talent's damage activity tracking marker would turn off when a character died and would not return as a healing effect when they were resurrected.


The Priest:

  • Limiter of incoming damage that triggers has been removed (previously it was tied to most of the similar effects that either save from the death effect or delay death, but since this spell in any case implies the death of the character, such a limiter was not needed here).


  • Now the talent marker that tracks positive effect overlap and summation will be tracked in combat once every 2 seconds (previously it was tracked on base refresh once every 1 second). This allows for a faster start of the effect superimposition and summation process if the mage has stopped
  • Fixed a bug where the ability could be applied instantly without using up the effect of (often happened at the moment of guaranteed Brain Freeze roll or its direct activation, if a combination of fast consumption of such effect is used).


Blackbeard: ** Tweaks to

  • Fixed a bug where periodic damage effects would extend for one second and no longer than the reset maximum duration. Now the maximum duration of the extension is limited to their base duration (taking into account the possibility of extending them due to bonus duration or pandemic effects).




  • Now after leaving the battlefield or arena, modified talents and pvp talents will be restored to the ones they were before entering the battle.
  • Arena: Fixed SoloQ 3v3 registration
  • Arena: Implementation of SoloQ 2v2
  • Arena: The implementation of "Arena Readiness" has been moved to the AIO addon. Readiness crystal is disabled, readiness is implemented through a special menu
  • Harsh Winds Canyon: Fixed an issue where stealth effects were not being removed when using the flag

Premium: ** Added teleportation to class strongholds


Pet Battle:

  • Fixed a bug with trainers disappearing after a pet battle. (only a relog previously helped).
    • fixed the bug of trainers on battle pets that stand on top of the maunts from which during the battle were visible two copies of the trainer. For example
  • rewritten pet - now the appearance of the current season will also be taken into account during the battle of the pet.


    • fixed a bug because of which players taking screenshots through the camera, the screenshot file showed the entire game interface of the player.
    • implemented animations during selfies for each race and gender.


  • Combat companions:
    • implemented the combat companions death event.
    • implemented aggro system for battle companions. (companions will attack only in 1 case, if ovner attacked the enemy in other cases will be passive).
    • now after death a battlemate will be resummoned only 5 seconds after despawn.


  • Dust Tops:
    • implemented phasing of the "Dust Tops" zone after Teramor is destroyed (after going through the scenario).
    • implemented NPC who will be able to return the former zone phasing.

Game Events: **General:


General: **Fixed 5 causes of server crashes

Client Update:

  • New character creation menu has been updated
  • New races added (not available yet)
  • Added new mounts and battlepets (not available yet)
  • Implemented in-game store (in beta, on game reals will appear after fixes and debugging)
  • Added a large number of new models, sounds, icons and other things from new additions that will be used and introduced into the game as implemented and necessary.

The introduction of new models will be done in stages (beginning in August - September this year). If you have a desire to participate in the testing of the project, you can leave an application on forum.

Posted in World of Warcraft: Legion, World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria on Jul 02, 2024