Corrections for February 2024






MOP: Fixed starting a pet battle in the scenario will now only be used if the player has a quest


  • Added 67 custom weapon illusions

Battle ground:

  • Alterac Valley: Fixed the maximum number of points. Immunities to some types of spells for bosses have been fixed.
  • Arathi Basin: Implemented a bonus to receiving honor for Summoning Weapons
  • Eye of the Storm: Implemented a bonus to receiving honor for Summoning Weapons
  • Canyon of Harsh Winds: Capturing a minecart will now reward you with honor
  • Canyon of Harsh Winds: Fixed a visual issue with the ability to capture your faction's flag.
  • Canyon of Harsh Winds: added collision for capture points


  • Fixed 5 reasons why the server crashed
  • Implemented movement of the player to the garrison of the group leader
  • Fixed display of quest status for NPCs
  • will now drop 1 random item
  • Fixed gaining experience for tasks when the player is dead
  • Dungeon Bots: Added Rogue. The shaman has been replaced by a paladin. Bot abilities and the logic of their use have been updated. Edits on damage dealt and healing of bots. New bot models and their weapons have been added.
  • Fixed completion of paragon quests.
  • Fixed an issue where caster phases were not applied to dynamic aura objects (SPELL_EFFECT_PERSISTENT_AREA_AURA)
  • Implemented the possibility of personal loot from SPELL_EFFECT_PICKPOCKET
  • Fixed a problem when, when selecting targets for AoE, it selected hostile units for spells whose target type was TARGET_CHECK_ALLY
  • Fixed an issue where rare NPCs for Argus world quests were missing. Now they will work independently of the general pool of rare creatures.
  • Fixed an issue where auras from items that have the OnPickup effect were not applied. Example,
  • Implemented update of auras for items that have an AreaGroupId and the OnPickup effect. Now, when returning to the desired area, the player will receive a passive effect
  • Fixed an issue where quest NPCs could be clicked on multiple times. Once when the NPC is visible to the player and the second time when the NPC is already in spawn/hide.
  • Implemented update of auras for items that have an AreaGroupId and the OnEquip effect. Now, when returning to the desired area, the player will receive a passive effect
  • Fixed an issue where players in a group and on a vehicle were not counted for killing NPCs.
  • Implementation of logs for character deaths in Hardmode
  • Fixed casting spells on yourself for some vehicles.
  • Dungeon Finder: implemented
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to register a battlefield in a group when the group member(s) had a deserter
  • Fixed an issue where minions that were summoned by NPCs were not evaded after the summoner was evaded.
  • Fixed getting loot from fishing holes
  • Fixed an issue where players were not being picked up when searching for dungeons.
  • Fixed an issue where completed bosses were not displayed in the window asking to enter the dungeon (Dungeon Finder).
  • Spells: fixed an issue where a player could hit NPCs with some AOE abilities from someone else's personal visibility
  • Fixed a problem with scaling spells that have the SPELL_ATTR0_SCALES_W_CREATURE_LEVEL attribute
  • Fixed an issue where timed missions would fail even if they had already been completed.
  • Fixed a problem with vehicles and taxis, when they flew into an area inappropriate for the character's level and the player was teleported to the capital.
  • Fixed a problem with taxis when all points are open with the server option or premium account. We remove incorrect points that cause errors.
  • Fixed achievement criteria CriteriaType::WinPetBattle
  • Fixed achievement criterion ModifierTreeType::QuestHasQuestInfoId
  • Fixed achievement criterion ModifierTreeType::PlayerIsInZone
  • Disables: we do not load or allow completion of quests that are disabled
  • fixed problem with aura



  • Fixed 2 reasons for server crash
  • Implemented a new flag for phasing
  • Fixed a bug due to which the pet's phases did not update and it could be attacked by invisible mobs from other phases


Dungeons and Raids:




Demon Hunter:




  • Improvements to the implementation of the bonus set
    • Now additional healing is performed in the area of effect of your, and not from the target that is standing next to it (for example, it is standing on the edge of an object, but its healing goes beyond the range of the effect " Healing shower")

Options for premium account

  • Teleportation will be stopped if you take damage



  • Mechanical improvements
    • Now if all damage from a hit has been absorbed, it will not hang
    • Now the chance to hang an aura depends on the difference in levels
  • Fixed replacement of some faction quests, which were previously simply deleted when refracted
  • Fixed two server crashes

Dungeons and Raids:




  • SPELL_AURA_MOD_PACIFY_SILENCE - if a non-player target receives this effect, it will be paralyzed (example of a fix for the "Shaman" class)


  • Improvements to the passive ability "Seed of Life" (48500)
    • Now the healing effect will be produced after receiving a hit, and not before it
    • Fixed an aura overlay conflict between two or more druids
    • The seed will now properly trigger from triggered attacks
  • Now the duration of tracking of the "Rejuvenations" you cast to implement the item will be tracked in full while they exist on the target (instead of the first 10 seconds), their reuse will still update the work statuses item effect




Mists of Pandaria:


  • Now the ability "Hymn of Hope" (64904) gives the greatest preference to healers when searching for allies




Dungeons and Raids:


  • implemented a new object type: SceneObject.
  • AnimTier has been added to work with splines. Now NPCs can take off and land smoothly using animation.
  • notifications about the arrival of Alliance ships and the arrival of Horde airships have been implemented.
  • the notification bells in the capitals during each new hour have been rewritten. The number of strikes depends on the current time.
  • ModifierTreeType::GarrisonTierEqualOrGreaterThan - the operation of the criteria modifier has been fixed. (fixes the portal to Ashran from the garrison).
  • adjustments for SPELL_EFFECT_QUEST_START did not start SendQuestGiverQuestDetails.
  • fixed a bug that if tasks are issued by entering an aria/zone/map and the player receives a quest at the moment of entering the game, then the quest was not displayed as “Task Found” (button in the list of tasks).


  • fixed a bug that companions spawned when the player landed on the ground or fell from the air to the ground after dismounting.
  • the method of summoning battle pets through the Atlas has been rewritten. Now all pets are combined through spells (which are indicated in the DBC), and not through direct pet spawning. Bugs are being fixed: 1. visual effects from the cast spell. 2. cooldowns for summons. 3. Summon targets where it will spawn.
  • now, when entering the game, the last summoned battle pet will be summed up.
  • after the end of the pet battle, the last summoned pet will be summed up.


  • Fixed launching shipments by selecting the gossip action. For example, the opening of ships in the Stable has been fixed, where each action opens different ships.
  • Flight distributors in the garrison have been corrected so that after a quest flight the spell was saved and when interacting it always sent it to the same point.
  • now scrolls of completing buildings will be immediately deleted when a building is activated. (previously, while watching the cutscene of the completion of the building, a scroll was visible).
  • the generation of daily traders in the Garrison has been rewritten. Now vendors have a strictly consistent rotation among themselves. Random personal generation remains only between vendors and quest givers.
  • now, when refracting, the entire garrison chain will be transferred to another faction.


  • implemented display of the counter until the next start of the brawl. (previously it was written that the brawl was closed).

MOP Scenarios:

Game events:


Class Hall:


Dungeons and Raids:

General: (PvP Talents)


  • Now triggering "Seed of Life" (48504) will also explode the seed from received periodic damage


  • Rewrote the implementation of the artifact feature
    • Fixed a bug where convertible healing was performed before getting hit
    • Fixed a bug where convertible healing did not work if was applied to an ally
    • Fixed a bug where trigger damage was not counted towards trigger conditions
    • Now receiving damage multiple times per unit of time will add up from all sources and will be converted into healing once per fragment of time (previously, healing was converted every time when receiving each blow separately)
  • Now the process of spending will deactivate the owner's visual glow (previously, the glow could not constantly accumulate to the limit, since the priest often uses )


  • Fixed a bug where the bonus feature of the artifact reduced the percentage of sacrificial damage transferred, instead of maintaining this indicator and reducing the damage received from the ability for the paladin
  • Now damage to an ally who, at the time of application to him, exceeded the value of the paladin's current health for the ability will no longer be transferred to the owner and the ability will cease to have effect


Dungeons and Raids:

Quest line to obtain the legendary staff of Tarecgosa:




Death Knight:



  • Fixed 5 reasons why the server crashed
  • Fixed two server hangs
  • Fixed removal of the group leader's flag when leaving the group
  • Fixed twitching of some sumon vehicles when the player sits on them
  • Corrections to teleportation of players from the group to the leader's garrison
  • Fixed replacement of quests during refraction; some quests could be deleted instead of being replaced

Game Events:

Posted in World of Warcraft: Legion, World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria on Feb 03, 2024