June 2021 fixes




  • Fixed a bug where the effects of absorption or pre-rotation of fatal damage did not take into account the damage reduction effect redirected to the original owner
  • Fixed an issue where combat mode would terminate if the victim dispels the "enchant" effects
  • Now it is impossible to pack items with spellclick charges in "wrapping paper" (example https://wowhead.com/spell=6262)
  • Root effects will now properly interrupt stealth effects (e.g. action https://wowhead.com/spell=51485 at https://wowhead.com/spell=5215)
  • Mounts or fully controllable flight skins will now properly restore flight while receiving knockback effects
  • Implemented an attribute that tracks the use of abilities, where you can fly
  • Now the effect of CreateAreaTrigger, in which trigger spells have a single target, will be correctly applied to targets that are, for example, invisible (examples of abilities https://wowhead.com/spell=123986, https://wowhead.com/spell=115008, https://wowhead.com/spell=116844, https://wowhead.com/spell=120517 and many others)
  • Fixed a bug where melee abilities dealing damage from schools of magic received double amplification from auras that increase all damage done
  • Fixed a bug where the "chain" effect of melee damage did not work if the attacking targets are behind



  • Now, when trying to apply https://wowhead.com/spell=52610 with fewer burst moves than the duration of the current effect, it will be notified of "failed attempt"
  • Now the periodic effect https://wowhead.com/spell=81262 triggered by the Glyph of the Blossoming Period (145529) will correctly receive the character speed bonus


  • Adjustments to the ability to work https://wowhead.com/spell=15286:
    • Fixed a bug where the healing ability always chose the priest himself. Now sorting targets will be predominantly selected on the most wounded target.


  • Rewrote the choice of targets when the "Ice Bomb" (113092).




  • Ability improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=6940:
    • Fixed a bug where the damage reduction with an ability occurred twice: by redirecting part of the absorbed damage and reducing the damage.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Symbol of the Hand of Sacrifice" effect (146957) was contributing to the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=6940 incorrectly. Redirect damage reduction will now materialize without a symbol, and with a symbol, damage to an ally will be reduced by 30%
  • The ability https://wowhead.com/spell=6940 will now end when the Paladin takes 100% of maximum health in total redirection damage
  • Fixed a bug where the effect of the symbol https://wowhead.com/spell=89401 did not work on all mount class animals belonging to the paladin



  • Improvements to the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=51533:
    • Now their spawn point will correctly start from the owner's position and they will not jump to the owner's position
    • During summoning, wolves will correctly make https://wowhead.com/spell=58867 from owner to target. If the target breaks the attack distance or the owner changes targets, the wolves will also come to his aid after a short period of time, and if the new target is far enough away, the wolves will now jump again, instead of slowly running towards it.
    • Refinement of the flight trajectory https://wowhead.com/spell=58867, accelerated the jump process to a practical "jerk" (according to the official server)
  • Periodic healing https://wowhead.com/spell=5394 will now correctly receive character speed bonus
  • Periodic healing https://wowhead.com/spell=108280 will now correctly receive character speed bonus




  • Rewritten work https://wowhead.com/spell=5246 (toggle and target filters for different ability effects in the harness with "Glyph of Awesome Scream" (63327))



  • Ability improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=115175
    • Fixed a bug when channeling the spell continued if you instantly heal with the "Beneficial Mist", "Enveloping Mist" abilities to another target on which this spell is not supported
    • Fixed a bug where auto-selecting yourself could still heal with the abilities "Beneficial Mist", "Enveloping Mist" the target on which you are channeling the spell


  • Fixed a bug when using the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=120679 against a target that is immune to damage, the beast did not attack it
  • Ability improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=34026:
    • Fixed a bug when the main target of the attack https://wowhead.com/spell=34026 was always the target of the pet, which did not allow attacking the situational target of the owner with this ability (for example, the target in "focus")
    • Now the ability can not be used if your pet is too far away and immobilized (previously it could deal damage from a distance)

Death Knight:

  • Now the effect of attraction from the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=108199 will more correctly reproduce the flight path of targets to the applied target
  • Ability improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=49576:
    • The algorithm for the speed of movement along the trajectories of the abscissa, ordinate and applicate axes has been improved. Travel speed from altitude will now change slightly without contributing to distance travel speed



  • https://wowhead.com/item=106240. Creature will now correctly give the Summoner a Flask of Liquor
  • https://wowhead.com/spell=55016: Improvements to effect "failure" cases
    • The height of the toss has been reduced, now you will not fly up to the maximum height of the map
    • Implemented the second "refusal" option. Now in this case, you will pour out a puddle of fuel and set yourself on fire, causing huge damage to yourself over time
  • Implementation https://wowhead.com/item=112324





  • Ability improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=53563
    • Fixed a bug where triggering additional healing on an ally from periodic effects would interrupt current channeling spells
    • Fixed a bug where the owner with a "particle of light" healing an ally out of sight, could still heal him
    • Fixed a bug where an ally with a "particle of light" being out of sight when trying to trigger always notifies the paladin with a spell error

Death Knight:


  • Fixed a bug when the talent "Free Will (108482)" twice consumed a resource (in this case, health)
  • Fixed a bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=1454 consumed a resource twice (in this case, health)

Posted in World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria on May 31, 2021