- Now if you have two or more temporary bonus effects, for example, speeding up the next spell to the instant will choose the effect whose duration was the shortest
- Fixed a lot of anomalies in the playback of visual effects from spells and auras
- Minions and pets will now not activate combat mode (try to attack) if the owner is using positive effects
- Fixed a bug where an extra cure produced on your pet, such as http://wowhead.com/spell=136 from triggering https://wowhead.com/spell=256374 could activate the pet's attack mode and enter you in combat as well
- Now at the start of the raid encounter (the beginning of the raid boss pool) will bring the accumulated energy sources in excess of the character to a certain current value. If the player did not accumulate energy, he will not get this effect (This applies to the types of energy: rage, anger, pain, runic power, techniques series, light energy, chi, sorcerer charges, whirlpool energy, astral energy, insanity, fragments of souls). Dynamic objects already summoned will also be cleared.
- Now the energy received out of combat will correctly update (postpone) the timer of start of self-extinction of this energy (for example received tricks series from http://wowhead.com/spell=137619 or http://wowhead.com/spell=205032)
- Fixed storing of acolyte's abilities on control panel
- Now when using http://wowhead.com/spell=194153 you will spend out of two bonus active effects (for example http://wowhead.com/spell=157228 and http://wowhead.com/spell=202425) the one that is shorter in duration
- Fixed http://wowhead.com/spell=233059
- Fixed http://wowhead.com/spell=233275
- http://wowhead.com/spell=81749 will now correctly trigger attacks from spells that are produced by your accessories
- Rewritten implementation of the "Cinderstorm" talent trajectory
- Fixed bug where the "marker" of damage transfer did not dissipate when destroying the absorption effect https://wowhead.com/spell=122470
- Fixed bug when the bonus effect of the talent https://wowhead.com/spell=204927 was triggered on the target whose health has dropped below 40%, but not on the paladin himself
- Fixed storing appearance from the effect https://wowhead.com/item=138393
- Fixed bug when the effect of the item https://wowhead.com/spell=212329 did not save the passive talent bonuses from all specializations of the pet
- Fixed bug where the visual effect of " preparing" traps from the passive ability https://wowhead.com/spell=234955 could work with a certain chance
- Fixed a bug where reapplying https://wowhead.com/spell=193265 failed even after global recovery time expired
- Fixed a bug where activating https://wowhead.com/spell=162496 would activate the bleeding effect on all targets in the trap's detection radius
- Fixed bug when bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=234955 didn't work on https://wowhead.com/spell=162496 because the trap detection process was already putting the target into combat
- Fixed bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=199543 talent, https://wowhead.com/spell=212574 item effect triggered from each trap target detection https://wowhead.com/spell=162496
- Fixed bug where item effect https://wowhead.com/spell=225155 still triggered if https://wowhead.com/spell=187708 or https://wowhead.com/spell=212436 didn't hit anything
- Deactivating the https://wowhead.com/spell=212329 effect will recall your pet (tests)
- Now, the follow mode of the pet in its different activity modes (support, defense or inactivity) will work correctly on Hati, but remember, to return it to attack in the activity mode "support, defense" you have to activate "Attack" mode again (by macro or from the pet panel, depending on your convenience) (This fix works on many types of servants of other classes)
- Rewritten " Tricky Shot" talent
- Fixed a bug where the additional damage to secondary targets was not reduced by the damage reduction effects active on the target
- Fixed a bug where the auxiliary damage to secondary targets was not reduced by damage reduction effects active on the target. Now the auxiliary damage won't depend on the current "Aim Shot" damage, i.e. when making a critical effect, the auxiliary damage will take 30% of the base damage and each hit will roll its own chance of critical effect
- Fixed the visual effect of the " Ricochet"
- Now the repeat hit of the ability https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=193315 will trigger when you use it, instead of depending on whether or not you hit the target accurately
Death Knight:
- Fixed bug when the talent https://wowhead.com/spell=203173 was triggered only at the attacking target, but not at all targets connected by a bloody chain
- Fixed http://wowhead.com/spell=246975
- Fixed http://wowhead.com/spell=246972
- Fixed http://wowhead.com/spell=246997
- At the start of the raid encounter your accumulated "Souls of the Damned" will be removed, the active effect https://wowhead.com/spell=216708 will be dissipated, but you will get a bonus, which on your next 3 attacks with periodic damage effects or spell attacks is guaranteed to trigger the "Souls of the Damned".
- Now the guaranteed starting effect procs https://wowhead.com/spell=216695 at the start of a raid encounter will turn off the basic Souls Harvest trigger until you accumulate 3 such effects
Artifacts and class halls:
- https://wowhead.com/npc=105039 (implemented event related to the issuance of the power of the artifact owners https://wowhead.com/item=128820)
- When pronouncing https://wowhead.com/spell=118, https://wowhead.com/item=127857 now with some probability will turn into a Sheep in the presence of a hidden appearance.
General: *Arena season is over, prizes are given out
- Disabled removal of AT at the pool of bosses, which caused freezes and crashes of the server
- Fixed two server crashes
- Modifications to the arena end of season award script
- Modifications to the mythic+ end of season rewards script
- Rewritten work "Battle for Highmountain" https://ru.wowhead.com/quest=46182
- Fixed scoring of additional quests in dungeons.
- Fixed the issuing of rewards for additional quests in dungeons.
Dungeons and raids:
- Caverns of Wailing
- Fixed the launch of the event to save Naralex.
- Optimized code from item set T-21, previously caused packet spam.
- Now when a player passes an item to another player, while having more than one copy of it, the transmog of this item will not be deleted.
- Fixed the moment when in some cases, after transferring an item to another player, your old transmog of this item could disappear after relog.
- http://wowhead.com/quest=46182 (partially rewritten scenario by assignment)
- http://wowhead.com/quest=41166
- http://wowhead.com/quest=41182
- http://wowhead.com/quest=29802
- http://wowhead.com/quest=46199 (partially rewritten scenario on the quest)
- http://wowhead.com/quest=43422 (corrected appearance of special button)
- Fixed a bug where damage from items did not interrupt some invisibility effects
- Fixed bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=236320 effect was applied to targets entering the action area or at the moment of installation not immediately, but after up to a second.
- Fixed bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=208091 equipping bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=6544 ability got only 1 charge.
- Fixed bug when when activating the talent https://wowhead.com/spell=199148 ability https://wowhead.com/spell=6544 received only 1 charge
- Fixed dissipation of the passive bonus https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=197524 when moving to crosserver groups
- Rewritten feature of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=215773:
- Fixed a bug where damage from triggering could trigger on the wearer himself
- Fixed a bug where the reduction in recovery time https://wowhead.com/spell=194466 could occur twice in a row at once, bypassing the internal effect recovery time
- Fixed a bug where damage from triggering would interfere with the https://wowhead.com/spell=195283 effect.
- Fixed bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=195283 was triggered by multiple shock triggered attacks (e.g. https://wowhead.com/spell=252896)
- Fixed bug, when damage features artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=194431 not amplified by effects, which for example gets https://wowhead.com/spell=2120 (from https://wowhead.com/spell=210182 , https://wowhead.com/spell=242251)
- Fixed a bug when when maintaining on a target https://wowhead.com/spell=209525 , which is out of sight could still heal without time pronouncing abilities https://wowhead.com/spell=227344 / https://wowhead.com/spell=227345 autoselect itself
- Fixed bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=75 kept attacking the target if the hunter gets some effects of losing control over the character
Rogue: *Postponed and applied delayed patch 14/02/2021 : Rewritten implementation of the artifact feature https://wowhead.com/spell=192428
- Fixed a bug where the visual effect of knives flying out was positioned from your target to a random point instead of from a random point to the target
Fixed spamming of sound effects
- Fixed 3 server crashes
- Fixed bug when switching between cross-realm did not work some mods
- Modifications to the application of the 411 aura
- Fixed a bug in data transmission to the client, converting information from the servant to the current owner of the client (such as the damage some sources servant)
- Rewritten algorithm for filling "slot" summoned creatures (such as totems or some temporary guards)
- Now, if the number of slots will be filled, the subsequent creatures summoned will not overwrite a slot of already active creatures
- Slots will be sorted by their basic duration, not by the summoning sequence
- Now when getting the effect of template pvp characteristics (entrance to the arena, bg or pvp dummy) will correctly recalculate the current health of the pet
- Fixed character setting conflict
- https://wowhead.com/spell=137639 - Fixed bug when clones would not start AI if owner is in sanctuaries
Dungeons and Raids:
- A few cosmetic fixes.
- Code refactoring.
- Slabhide
- Partially rewritten event https://wowhead.com/spell=80654
- Fixed closing/opening of doors
- http://wowhead.com/quest=46110 (partially rewritten quest scenario)
- Fixed a bug where some jump abilities that use the contact position of the target's destination point would move the wearer to the center of the target if it is partially " hidden" in the map shells (such bosses as "Serpentrix, Wrath of Azshara (Eye of Azshara dungeon)"). Fixes the following abilities (not the whole list)
- Character movement enhancements that use jump effects when identifying obstacles in front of you
General: *Small optimization of unloading the timer for the "Leech" characteristic
- Now the visual area of the object will be correctly deleted when the action of https://wowhead.com/spell=156287 is over
- Refinements to the clones ability targets search https://wowhead.com/spell=137639. Now clones will attack only those targets that join in battle (dummies will also be taken into account correctly)
- Now https://wowhead.com/spell=5384 will correctly stop the "encounter" mode of battles
- https://wowhead.com/spell=251870 - Fixed bug, when the real blocking indicator on the client was displayed incorrectly, taking into account this bonus, if there was a change of his indicators (when activating the 4 items or the state of the active effect https://wowhead.com/spell=132403)
- Now at the end of the effect https://wowhead.com/spell=26573 / https://wowhead.com/spell=205228 will be correctly deleted and the allocated slot under this object
- Penalty damage with an artifact ability https://wowhead.com/spell=202669 will no longer cause rolling effects that are sensitive to the damage dealt to the character
Race skills:
Improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=256948:
- Fixed bug when the fault moved without taking into account changes in the plane of the terrain (hills, downhills, uphills)
- Now the fault will stop correctly if it rests on an obstacle, eliminated all the possible ways to fall under the textures.
- Fixed the charms overlay in the trade window.
Dungeons and Raids:
- Antorus, Burning Throne:
- Garothi Worldbreaker:
- https://wowhead.com/spell=246971 now, if you do not absorb damage from the first strike, mass damage will pass through the raid.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=246848
- Adjusted the draw speed.
- Fixed a bug that caused no damage from the ability.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=249969 - no more repeating the choice of the sector on which the damage will pass.
- Antoran High Command:
- https://wowhead.com/spell=244729 - no longer has to impose on the player in the capsule.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=246505 - corrected the time of pronunciation of the ability, previously it was overestimated by 2 times.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=244627
- Added 1 visual effect.
- Added 4.5 seconds delay on ability application.
- After defeating Antoran High Command, added missing cue Velen.
- Portal Keeper Hasabel
- https://wowhead.com/spell=245157 - the lighting radius has been doubled.
- Now, if the player died falling from the platform, he will be teleported to the main platform.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=255805 - possible fix when the ability dealt damage less often than it should.
- Argus the Unmaker:
- Now if you interrupt the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=256544 - the boss will start attacking players not immediately, but after some time.
- ability https://wowhead.com/spell=248396 - is no longer imposed on the players on which it is still imposed.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=248167 - now the player has 2 seconds to leave the area before it starts to deal damage.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=257306 - should no longer be imposed on the player who tanks the boss.
- Spirit World:
*Players now have 2 seconds of safe time before https://wowhead.com/npc=129635 starts pushing them away.
- Slightly reduced movement speed https://wowhead.com/npc=129635
- https://wowhead.com/npc=129635 now tries to avoid routes through the center of the room or https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=129386
- https://wowhead.com/spell=258068
- Event timers rewritten.
- Slight correction of logic, maybe earlier the amount of "fear" was less than it should be.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=258939
- Balls can now appear near players, but not in them.
- The number of balls now depends on the imposed stacks https://wowhead.com/spell=258838
- https://wowhead.com/npc=130179 - now has immunity to repulsion and attraction.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=257296 - rewritten ability timers.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=129386 - added a visual effect "Exhaustion", when the tree loses all energy.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=123398
- https://wowhead.com/spell=245807 ability now deals damage to all players if not absorbed missile strike.
- Garothi Worldbreaker:
- http://wowhead.com/achievement=11725
- http://wowhead.com/item=152583
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120460
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120459
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120458
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120457
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120456
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120266
- Now overlaying some damage effects will also be sensitive to immunity from such effects (for example, overlaying https://wowhead.com/spell=208086 through https://wowhead.com/spell=196555 or https://wowhead.com/spell=210918 will be alerted as "immunity")
- Adjusting the smoothness of the synchronization of the character's height after he applies the "jump" effects (e.g. https://wowhead.com/spell=212653, https://wowhead.com/spell=1953 or https://wowhead.com/spell=102280)
- Rewritten search and sorting of wounded targets by ability https://wowhead.com/spell=191837
Dungeons and raids:
- Cathedral of Eternal Night
- https://wowhead.com/npc=120793
- https://wowhead.com/spell=243152 - eliminated inflated damage.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=120793
- Antorus, the Burning Throne:
- Varimatras
- https://wowhead.com/spell=243973 - ability now deals damage.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=244093 - ability can now stack.
- Argus the Unmaker:
- https://wowhead.com/spell=257299
- Fixed coordinate generation for selecting clump drop locations.
- Added soft-enrage, the ability is now sped up for every 10% of the boss' lost health.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=248499
- https://wowhead.com/spell=258039
- https://wowhead.com/spell=258838
- These and other similar abilities now ignore evasion and parry.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=127192 - added immune masks.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=257299
- Varimatras
- http://wowhead.com/item=146969
- http://wowhead.com/item=146968
- http://wowhead.com/item=146967
- http://wowhead.com/item=146966
- http://wowhead.com/item=146965
- http://wowhead.com/item=146964
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120375
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120451
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120453
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120455
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120452
- http://wowhead.com/npc=120454
Class Halls and Artifacts:
- http://wowhead.com/quest=43182 (correcting the appearance of missions) ** http://wowhead.com/quest=42430 (corrected the problem with the platform in the scenario)
- Fixed a bug when, after transferring a character from other servers, the second hand of the artifact was constantly disappearing
- Fixed several crashes on the character transfer system
- Implemented work item https://wowhead.com/item=139003
- Improvements to the engineering auction, Dalaran.
- Implemented a system for selecting recipes to Favorites
- Temporary immunity abilities against slow aura no longer remove the effect, but temporarily disable it. For example: the player casts https://wowhead.com/spell=1044 against https://wowhead.com/spell=15407, when the ability expires, the slow is restored.
Dungeons and Raids:
- Antorus the burning throne:
- Coven of Shivarra:
- https://wowhead.com/spell=255232 - partially rewritten the generation of random points for creating a zone.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=253189 - Decrease the pact trigger radius.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=250648 - Application timings have been adjusted.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=245671 - no longer deals damage if standing close to NPCs.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=123503
- Now the NPC does not disappear after passing the route, but comes back.
- Possible fix for NPCs continuing to move along the route while in control.
- Aggramar:
- https://wowhead.com/spell=243431 - now stacking ignores player mechanics avoid.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=122532 -in mythic difficulty, every second coal now has 50 units of energy when created.
- Argus the unmaker:
- https://wowhead.com/spell=258939 - the starting speed of movement is reduced.
- Coven of Shivarra:
- Fixed two reasons for the server crash
- Now the scope of the talent https://wowhead.com/spell=152277 will also draw the owner's thrown weapon
- Fixed a bug where the first beat of the damage https://wowhead.com/spell=152277 shifted up to one second
- Fixed a bug where the triggering of the artifact trait https://wowhead.com/spell=203018 came from non-damaging harmful effects
- Fixed a bug when a creature summoned by abilities https://wowhead.com/spell=34433 / https://wowhead.com/spell=200174 continued to move and orientate on the target when it was even in the effects of loss of control
Demon Hunter:
- Fixed a bug when the simultaneous use of the talents https://wowhead.com/spell=206803 and https://wowhead.com/spell=196555 when one of them ends, it left the character in "eternal dumbness")
- Fixed a bug where the triggering of the artifact trait https://wowhead.com/spell=191582 sometimes happened without healing, triggering only the cooldown of the effect
- Fixed a bug where https://wowhead.com/spell=51533 could summon creatures on the owner himself if he tried to simultaneously apply on the victim through auto-select himself
- https://wowhead.com/item=154175:
- Fixed a bug where the secondary bonus effect of an item was spent incorrectly for some medicinal specializations
- https://wowhead.com/item=146668:
- https://wowhead.com/item=146669:
- Implementation rewritten.
- Implemented the ability to fly, flight requirements are based on your riding skills, achievements or being in areas where flying is allowed
- https://wowhead.com/item=86591 - Now all players can slip on the banana, including the owner of this item
- https://wowhead.com/item=139550 - increased drop rate
- http://wowhead.com/item=139560
- http://wowhead.com/quest=24956
- http://wowhead.com/quest=43422
- http://wowhead.com/quest=46182
- http://wowhead.com/quest=40345
- Root effects will now properly interrupt stealth effects (e.g. action https://wowhead.com/spell=51485 at https://wowhead.com/spell=5215)
- Rewrote the algorithm for increasing swimming speed bonuses (Corrects interaction, that is, partial modification of passive and active effects, for example https://wowhead.com/spell=5421 and https://wowhead.com/spell=102416)
- Now applying https://wowhead.com/spell=137619 will correctly interrupt enemy stealth effects