Information about preparation for launch x5
Over the past months, our developers have carried out extensive work on low-level content:
- Re-scripted starting locations:
- Pandarens
- DK
- Goblins
- Worgen
- DH (still in progress)
- Made corrections to quest tasks (as well as settlement and events) in locations:
- Kalimdor
- Eastern Kingdoms
- Northrend
- Pandaria
- Outland
- Draenor
- Fixed work of many dungeons (fixed scripts for mobs, settling, events and much more)
- Content scaling is now more correct:
- Fixed scaling of quests
- Fixed scaling of HP of mobs
- Fixed scaling of physical damage of mobs
- Fixed scaling of spell damage of mobs
- Fixed scaling of received items from loot
- Fixed scaling of the level of mobs