Восьмой Кросс-серверный сезон арены завершен!


Dear players!

We are pleased to inform you that the 8th cross-server arena season has ended.

Season end conditions and rewards


The condition, which has already become traditional is the presence of 20 teams with a rating above 1900.

Reward in 2х2:
  • 1st place: the first 0.1% of the rows of the arena table. [Gladiator](http://wowhead.com/achievement=2091/gladiator) + [Rival](http://wowhead.com/achievement=2093) + [Duelist](http://wowhead.com/achievement=2092) + [Сhallenger](http://wowhead.com/achievement=2090) + "Dread Gladiator: Arena Cross Season 1" + https://www.wowhead.com/item=141843 + title "Dread Gladiator" + 1000 tokens
  • 2nd place: the first 0.5% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2091 (only achievement) + title Gladiator + 500 tokens
  • 3rd place: the first 3% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2092/duelist + title Duelist + 200 tokens
  • 4th place: the first 10% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2093 + title Rival + 150 tokens
  • 5th place: the first 35% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : https://ru.wowhead.com/achievement=2090 + title Сhallenger+ 100 tokens

Nicknames of the players who took 1st and 2nd places:

  1. Влюбилась (Legionx100)
  2. Abstract (LegionFUN)
    2nd places

    1. Chanell
    2. Sumec
    3. Ezingard
    4. Queu
    5. Sunekyzx
    6. Monkgol
    7. Untitled
    8. Здняидуэлянт
    9. Эксплоужен
    10. Продамкотят

Unfortunately, only Legion players in the 2v2 bracket received rewards. The amount of competitors in 3v3 and 5v5 did not achieve the stipulated conditions for a competitive bracket. At the time of publication of this news, the ladder of all worlds has been reset and a new season has begun. We wish all players a high rating and easy victories!

list of banned players who win traded or cheated PvP systems.


  1. Armoniia (Legionx100)
  2. Darkhellsing (Legionx100)
  3. Jiso (Legionx100)
  4. Dianiita (Legionx100)
  5. Niikita (Legionx100)
  6. Jisoonie (Legionx100)
  7. Aritt (Legionx100)
  8. Morganat (Legionx100)
  9. Aniquiladora (Legionx100)
  10. Megumitt (Legionx100)
  11. Leyknay (Legionx100)
  12. Kylyena (Legionx100)
  13. Rycrazyet (Legionx100)
  14. Klyngowo (Legionx100)
  15. Klyngo (Legionx100)
  16. Skysan (Legionx100)
  17. Fvk (Legionx100)
  18. Адскийхоли (Legionx100)
  19. Jâshîn (Legionx100)
  20. Wearefree (Legionx100)
  21. Cleomex (Legionx100)
  22. Torroru (Legionx100)
  23. Maih (Legionx100)
  24. Petonia (Legionx100)
  25. Паранид (Legionx100)
  26. Адскийхоли (Legionx100)
  27. Crabbie (Legionx100)
  28. Macabrioss (Legionx100)
  29. Bicer (Legionx100)
  30. Skadys (Legionx100)
  31. Monkappa (Legionx100)
  32. Deache (Legionx100)
  33. Sekhmet (Legionx100)
  34. Iztâccîhuatl (Legionx100)
  35. Sazerda (Legionx100)
  36. Gstephan (Legionx100)
  37. Aseesina (Legionx100)
  38. Tanquesiña (Legionx100)
  39. Abbaddøn (Legionx100)
  40. Anekys (Legionx100)
  41. Albertheal (Legionx100)
  42. Løcky (Legionx100)
  43. Bellä (Legionx100)
  44. Crimzone (Legionx100)
  45. Clawgodx (Legionx100)
  46. Skinyhoe (Legionx100)
  47. Warriorsky (Legionx100)
  48. Rvxn (Legionx100)
  49. Cobraq (Legionx100)
  50. Ðaisuki (Legionx100)
  51. Reewwewer (Legionx100)
  52. Klong (Legionx100)
  53. Manapause (Legionx100)
  54. Evule (Legionx100)
  55. Shockolade (Legionx100)
  56. Asesiina (Legionx100)
  57. Fallwing (Legionx100)
  58. Apertus (Legionx100)
  59. Ejecutar (Legionx100)
  60. Фыфпып (LegionFUN)
  61. Фыпфпып (LegionFUN)
  62. Фыппф (LegionFUN)
  63. Фыфпфп (LegionFUN)
  64. Фырпдд (LegionFUN)
  65. Фыпфы (LegionFUN)
  66. Фпыр (LegionFUN)
  67. Фыпп (LegionFUN)
  68. Фыппы (LegionFUN)
  69. Фыапр (LegionFUN)
  70. Тваарь (LegionFUN)
  71. Фпевпп (LegionFUN)
  72. Фвппф (LegionFUN)
  73. Рварвпра (LegionFUN)
  74. Фпврпр (LegionFUN)
  75. Kazragore (LegionFUN)
  76. Scrototem (LegionFUN)
  77. Hetzert (LegionFUN)
  78. Herpderp (LegionFUN)
  79. Jawless (LegionFUN)
  80. Mooheals (LegionFUN)
  81. Ляшозацаца (LegionFUN)
  82. Tomasef (LegionFUN)
  83. Kyanely (LegionFUN)
  84. Quimaleena (LegionFUN)
  85. Холодильник (LegionFUN)
  86. Гагик (LegionFUN)
  87. Bestq (LegionFUN)
  88. Bepymzx (LegionFUN)
  89. Адскийджо (LegionFUN)
  90. Топмагик (LegionFUN)
  91. Мутикпро (LegionFUN)
  92. Dwnoob (LegionFUN)
  93. Focusbig (LegionFUN)
  94. Rikinoob (LegionFUN)
  95. Меланхолияя (LegionFUN)
  96. Afgomf (LegionFUN)
  97. Faerblood (LegionFUN)
  98. Viktorriya (LegionFUN)
  99. Golybinla (LegionFUN)
  100. Fuston (LegionFUN)
  101. Dvjbazykas (LegionFUN)
  102. Xiwyt (LegionFUN)
  103. Goblinchert (LegionFUN)
  104. Зашибуказ (LegionFUN)
  105. Destrouk (LegionFUN)
  106. Tripp (LegionFUN)
  107. Bigbooss (LegionFUN)
  108. Ceambind (LegionFUN)
  109. Renbokiss (LegionFUN)
  110. Frolyshka (LegionFUN)
  111. Vanessya (LegionFUN)
  112. Feathdh (LegionFUN)
  113. Flayfelix (LegionFUN)
  114. Pinokiu (LegionFUN)
  115. Opasnelo (LegionFUN)
  116. Butan (LegionFUN)
  117. Омера (LegionFUN)
  118. Karpacho (LegionFUN)
  119. Армат (LegionFUN)
  120. Швабраа (LegionFUN)
  121. Ghostkid (LegionFUN)
  122. Насосала (LegionFUN)
  123. Наприседала (LegionFUN)
  124. Нетушишки (LegionFUN)
  125. Невротик (LegionFUN)
  126. Яебалась (LegionFUN)
  127. Адскийфаер (LegionFUN)
  128. Dimagoblin (LegionFUN)
  129. Djsmoke (LegionFUN)
  130. Meggy (LegionFUN)
  131. Sililla (LegionFUN)
  132. Sanvella (LegionFUN)
  133. Dwjoker (LegionFUN)
  134. Orkpodkaster (LegionFUN)
  135. Billili (LegionFUN)
  136. Grimbasha (LegionFUN)
  137. Feklysha (LegionFUN)
  138. Dimnigoom (LegionFUN)
  139. Rembox (LegionFUN)
  140. Melomanka (LegionFUN)

Posted in World of Warcraft: Legion on Nov 30, 2021