The third season of Hardcore mode is completed


The third season of Hardcore mode has come to an end.

Season statistics

Summary of reached level:

Уровень Игроков
10 41.7%
20 23%
30 12,4%
40 8,2%
50 5%
60 3,7%
70 2,5%
80 1,5%
90 0,9%
100 0,5%
110 0,41%

Racial distribution among players

Racial distribution among players

Class distribution among players

Class distribution among players

The total prize pool for the season is 202326 tokens.
The full list of players can be found here.

At the time of us writing this news, the ladder has been reset and the fourth season has begun. Characters who didn't have time to reach level 110 yet will remain in mode and move on to the fourth season at the current level.

Have a good day!

Posted in World of Warcraft: Legion on Sep 07, 2024