Dear players!
On the night of 08/31/2021 to 09/01/2021, not only the closing of the 7 Cross-server season of the arena took place, but also the start of the 8 season!
Season end conditions and rewards
The condition, which has already become traditional, is the presence of 20 teams with a rating above 1900.
Reward in 2х2:- 1st place: the first 0.1% of the rows of the arena table. [Gladiator]( + [Rival]( + [Duelist]( + [Сhallenger]( + "Corrupted Gladiator: Arena Cross Season 4" +грозовой-дракон-озлобленного-гладиатора + title "Corrupted Gladiator" + 1000 tokens
- 2nd place: the first 0.5% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : (only achievement) + title Gladiator + 500 tokens
- 3rd place: the first 3% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : + title Duelist + 200 tokens
- 4th place: the first 10% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : + title Rival + 150 tokens
- 5th place: the first 35% of the rows of the arena table. Reward : + title Сhallenger+ 100 tokens
The beginning is 09/01/2021 and will last until 11/30/2021. Hurry up to earn your reward!
P.s. Awards can be changed by the administration without prior agreement with the players and notification