Fixes for August 2024




  • now the visual planet "Argus" in the sky will be activated based on the server progress step. The activation criterion will remain the same as it was at that time on the off servers of the current progress patch.
  • fixed a bug when the capital's clock bells were played throughout the map, and not in a specific zone.
  • fixed the operation of GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_AURA_GENERATOR when summoning GO from spells.
  • fixed two server crashes
  • fixed launch of the client with the Italian locale
  • reduced the respawn time of NPCs in starting locations


Pet Battle:




  • Gorgrond:
    • the territorial phase of the Gorgrond outpost has been implemented. (the texture of the Outpost landscape is changed by adding special PhaseIds).



  • Fixed saving the selected customization in the barber shop for Vulpera with the Death Knight class.
  • Fixed display and activation of local PvP quests for Vulpera.


  • Fixed access to the first slot of the guild bank for the guild leader.





  • Eye of Azshara:
    • Fixed a bug where tasks were not issued in the execution zone.


Dungeons and Raids:


  • Added unique water forms for druids of the "Kul Tiran" race
  • Fixed the problem with incorrect access to the guild bank and title privileges after saving the settings in "Guild Management"
  • Now with SPELL_AURA_MOD_PACIFY_SILENCE the player can interact with game objects. We limit the check only to SPELL_AURA_MOD_PACIFY in other cases it can interact.
  • adjusted the coordinates of the player's position after the character's refrak. Also fixed the bug that if the player was in the instance and made a refrak, he was transferred to the textures of the Stormwind prison or to the Forgotten City.


MOP Scenarios:

  • added spawns of missed angels for resurrection in scenarios.

Pet Battle:

  • fixed a bug where when defeating pets for quests, double counting of criteria occurred.
  • an attempt was made to fix a bug with the disappearance of completed quests in the chain for the battle of pets.
  • rewritten conditions for activating the gossip menu for starting the battle of pets through trainers. (fixes a bug where in some cases it is impossible to start the battle although the quest was taken).
  • updated the database of all pets by BreedMask. Also added all data on pets above Legion up to TWW.
  • rewritten generation of Breed from the BreedMask of the pet. (Breed is needed to determine what combinations of stats the pet will have). Now the stats will be correct for all pets. More details about Breed here
  • rewritten formula for calculating pet stats.
  • now pets with the BATTLEPET_SPECIES_FLAG_ELITE flag should always have BATTLEPET_QUALITY_LEGENDARY
  • implemented BattlePetState::Internal_InitialLevel which will assign a level to the pet when starting a battle.
  • implemented display of the seasonal appearance in the atlas for the pet
  • implemented the flags BATTLEPET_SPECIES_FLAG_ADDSALLOWEDWITHBOSS and BATTLEPET_SPECIES_FLAG_NO_WILD_PET_ADDS_ALLOWED. And for BATTLEPET_SPECIES_FLAG_ELITE we automatically prohibit adding additional pets to help in battle.
  • fixed a bug that when a player changes the abilities of a pet, then during a battle of pets these abilities did not change. (previously only a relog helped).
  • fixed studying pets that have the BATTLEPET_SPECIES_FLAG_UNIQUE flag and have a limit of 1 pet. (pets can be re-studied if the player put the old pet in the cage). The pet is fixed, for example

Game events:


  • fixed a critical bug with resetting garrisons during refraction.



  • Battlegrounds:
    • Found one bug due to which group registration for BG led to an imbalance of Tanks and Healers.
    • Added priority by roles for group registration for BG, the only selected role is now more important than several selected ones. That is, a player in a group who has selected one role will occupy it more important than a player who has selected three roles.
  • Arena:
    • Fixed an issue where after a relog an opponent could end up in someone else's group.
    • Fixed an issue where after a relog partners could become hostile to each other.

Dungeons and Raids:

  • Well of Eternity
  • Dungeon repopulated
  • Implemented walkthrough event
  • All NPCs rewritten


Pet Battle:

  • fixed a bug that did not study pets if the player was on a mount.
  • temporarily disabled the ability until its implementation.
  • fixed the study of racial pets from pet battle trainers. Previously, all pets were available for study, and not for a specific race.
  • fixed a bug where the pet from the 1st slot of the pet slot was reset due to the inclusion of
  • players must now dismount before the start of a pet battle if they were mounted at that moment.
  • prevent wild pets from attaching legendary pets to themselves.

Posted in World of Warcraft: Legion on Aug 05, 2024