- https://wowhead.com/achievement=11183
- https://wowhead.com/achievement=11184
- https://wowhead.com/achievement=11185
- https://wowhead.com/achievement=11162
- https://wowhead.com/achievement=1166
- https://wowhead.com/achievement=7062
- https://wowhead.com/achievement=2056
- https://wowhead.com/achievement=306
- Fixed several server crashes
- Implemented giving a ghost character flight, if the character himself can fly in the location (locations Nordskolk and above)
- Added loading screens to Druids, Paladins, Hunters and Death Knights strongholds
- RandomMovementGenerator bug fixes and edits.
- Fixed bug when killing trivial npcs gave experience as for regular npcs.
- Fixed a bug where killing Summons would give experience as a normal NPC.
- Fixed aggro on neutral npcs with SmartAI.
- Implemented auto-equipping of non-personal bags when receiving and having empty slots for bags.
- Fixed FleeToGetAssistance. Now npts correctly run to call for help and then return to the fight, instead of becoming mannequins.
- Fixed intermittent stopping of movement of vehikers.
- SmartAI: fixed SetFollowDistance and SetFollowAngle for SMART_ACTION_FOLLOW. Implementation of isPlayerClicker check in SMART_EVENT_ON_SPELLCLICK.
- Displaying the required tasks for achievements when checking with debugger.
- Implementation of binding summon to quests at the ovner, so that summon can be automatically despawned when quests are cancelled.
- Fixed use of summon gems and loca closet.
- Fixes for ConfusedMovementGenerator. Fixed point generation so the character doesn't walk on textures. Fixed an issue where a unit would walk too far away. Now the unit will walk no farther than the set distance.
- Rewritten chopper with driver 179244 179245.
- Fixed problem with SPELL_AURA_SET_VEHICLE_ID effect overlay.
- Debugger-Npts have been merged into one NPC for convenience.
- Fixed a ban on some spells before the start of the battlefields.
- Fixed guild challenge: dungeon with epochal key.
- Fixed full skinning rolls http://tracker.legionbugs.com/view.php?id=9462
- http://tracker.legionbugs.com/view.php?id=19096 fixes for item visuals, per the latest hotfixes.
- Fixed to share a quest with group/raid members.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't leave the group if one of the members is offline.
- The dnd & afk tag will no longer add to reply messages.
- ChaseMovement: fixed an issue where a player would move to a npc after aggro and it would stand behind him instead of stopping in front of his face after reaching a mile ranged.
- Chase movement: fixed an issue where pets would not reach with mile attacks.
- Fixed a stop on a npc after teleportation.
- Fixes for npcs' movement. Fixed an issue where npcs would jump over textures when moving up stairs, through doorways, etc.
- Fixed the ability to expose summons in the bd, so that they do not take the lval of the ovner.
- Fixed swapping of raid members between groups.
- Fixed boarding on some vehicals. With VEHICLE_SEAT_FLAG_UNK2 flag should also allow you to land a player.
- Fixed npc teleportation, correct position update after loading. Fixes a problem with similar tasks https://wowhead.com/quest=12521
- Fixed automatic shooting during casts http://tracker.legionbugs.com/view.php?id=14848
- Fixed SPELL_AURA_ADD_TARGET_TRIGGER 109 auras, now the effects will be applied to all targets that triggered the ability.
- Fixed an issue with vehikers where the passenger would end up with the wrong orientation when landing.
- Fixed an issue with vehikles when using spells with DEST_LOCATION, they would hit on their own.
- Vehicle/Corrected an issue where you had to press the space bar to move up/down on flying npts
- Removed the effect of the number of penalties on the [Gold Coin of Valor] Event Coins
- https://wowhead.com/quest=26801 -fixed an issue with the issuance of the quest
- https://wowhead.com/quest=39614 - reworked the script at https://wowhead.com/npc=95148
- https://wowhead.com/quest=43437 / https://wowhead.com/quest=43626 - fixed the cause of https://wowhead.com/npc=91892 and the rest of the bug
- https://wowhead.com/quest=39689 - fixed teleportation coordinates
- https://wowhead.com/quest=39690 - fixed teleportation coordinates
- https://wowhead.com/quest=25889
- https://wowhead.com/quest=39426
- https://wowhead.com/quest=12856
- https://wowhead.com/quest=14293
- https://wowhead.com/quest=46842
- https://wowhead.com/quest=5502
- https://wowhead.com/quest=171
- https://wowhead.com/quest=29078
- Fixed an issue where child week whistles were taken away after completing tasks. Also implemented the return of whistles. http://tracker.legionbugs.com/view.php?id=19777
- https://wowhead.com/quest=38582
- https://wowhead.com/quest=11058
- https://wowhead.com/quest=11080
- https://wowhead.com/quest=27232
- https://wowhead.com/quest=39837
- https://wowhead.com/quest=38624
- https://wowhead.com/quest=42370
- https://wowhead.com/quest=44765
- https://wowhead.com/quest=13631
- https://wowhead.com/quest=13819
- Fixed tasks where you have to fulfill a criterion first, such as collect an item, and then execute an event via QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT
Coast of the Ancients:
- Fixed vehikle respawn. The vehikles will now respawn at their position, not at the point of death.
Isle of Conquest:
- Fixed vehikle respawn. Now the vehikles will respawn at their position, not at the point of death.
- Fixed removal of immunities after a boss eveid.
- Fixed annunciations in chat.
Sparkling Copies:
- Fixed changing the status of captured wagons.
- Fixed wagon spawn timers.
Knight of Death:
- Runic Amplification(81229) and similar abilities will now prioritize runes with the highest recovery time.
- https://wowhead.com/item=128942 corrected the double effect description
Dungeons and raids:
- https://ru.tbc.wowhead.com/karazhan corrected launching and passing of Oprah.
- Return to Karazhan: https://wowhead.com/npc=114262 Fixed ability https://wowhead.com/spell=227365
- Fixed an issue where after completing a key, trigger-npcs would disable AI and cause some problems. For example, the portal to the platform to the last boss in Karazhan: Upper Tier stopped working
- https://wowhead.com/halls-of-reflection Fixed the passage of the boss Escape from Artas
- https://wowhead.com/npc=77081 Implemented the call of the rarnik with some chance, after killing the boss.
- Added detailed descriptions of allied races at:
- Removed duplicate entries https://wowhead.com/npc=14041 and https://wowhead.com/npc=13018
- Fixed phase at https://wowhead.com/npc=42308
- Aura https://wowhead.com/spell=239673 now does not disappear from combat and does not remove invisibility
- Fixed a re-drop issue:
- Now when you take https://wowhead.com/quest=12517 the correct quest item is given out
- Quests https://wowhead.com/quest=46689 are now cancelled and the https://wowhead.com/item=147438 item is also gone
- Updated quest chain https://wowhead.com/quest=28538
- Settlement in Suramar city has been updated:
- Updated boat positions
- Added animations at https://wowhead.com/npc=112009
- Updated patrols at https://wowhead.com/npc=106919 and https://wowhead.com/npc=111446
- Added additional portals near the Dark Portal in Scorched Earth
- Removed duplicates in settlement https://wowhead.com/npc=41164
- Added pets https://wowhead.com/npc=85388 and https://wowhead.com/npc=88422
- Updated item drop conditions https://wowhead.com/item=23338
- Updated item drop conditions https://wowhead.com/item=97959
- Updated drop conditions https://wowhead.com/item=129113
General: *Mind Control abilities can now be applied to a target that is on a Mount.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=68804 - updated faction ** Added damage immunity masks:
- https://wowhead.com/npc=118791 - now doesn't hit the player back
- https://wowhead.com/npc=107023 - added ability to use https://wowhead.com/currency=1273
- https://wowhead.com/npc=18266 - updated dialog options
- Updated the settlement of combat pets:
- https://wowhead.com/item=104162 - added to loot
- https://wowhead.com/item=104163 - added to loot
- https://wowhead.com/quest=28868 - updated the script at https://wowhead.com/npc=41251
- https://wowhead.com/quest=14034 - removed autocomplete
- https://wowhead.com/quest=45856 - minor adjustments to the script
- https://wowhead.com/quest=930 - added Event after the quest is done
- Fixed issuing of quests https://wowhead.com/quest=9280 and https://wowhead.com/quest=9369
- Corrected issuing of quest https://wowhead.com/quest=2499
Dungeons and raids:
- Skorpyron:
- agro-radius adjustment
- iwaid-radius adjustment
- Crystalline Shard, Volatile Scorpid, and Acidmaw Scorpid:
- corrected the conditions of protective aura - [Shrapnel] (https://wowhead.com/spell=204284) on players
- fixed a bug that caused the shard destruction animation not to play
- Crystalline Shard:
- Fixed a bug that caused the boss to call a large number of shards
- Crystalline Shard, Acidmaw Scorpid and Volatile Scorpid:
- Fixed a bug that caused NPCs to become invisible when applying the [Burrow] aura (https://wowhead.com/spell=204732)
- Volatile Scorpid:
- Event Adjustment Scorpid Swarm:
- increased the range of aura
- Fixed a bug that caused auras (received from different Volatile Scorpid) not to stack
- Event Adjustment Scorpid Swarm:
- Skorpyron:
- Helya:
- Brackwater Barrage:
- corrected the visual direction of the boss for hitting with an ability, in normal and heroic difficulty
- Brackwater Barrage:
- Helya:
- Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest:
- Dreadlord's Guile Fixed the event, in normal and heroic difficulty
- Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest:
- Fixed a few server crashes
- Adjusted Affix Sets to the Last Affixes That Were On The Off
- Optimized code on auras handling
- Optimized Server Startup Speed
- Rewritten update system transoptopt, should fix the bug with desynchronization of ships on the server and the client (when the ship was lost and the player fell from it)
- Fixed the stats generation on some old items
- Fixed bug that would display +1 instead of the standard stats
- Fixed setting of some bags to auction
- Fixed a bug that would cause randomly displayed stats at the Glittering Spoils BG
- Fixed a bug that would cause statistical problems for players with FAN
- Fixed a bug that could cause cause NPCs (and not only) to flood the geodata
- Fixed an issue where searching for a point near a point, this point could be below the geodata (kasters, petes and sumons could fall below the geodata when attacking)
- Implemented new aura interruption flags
- Fixed a bug that would cause speed drop or disable flying of the daemon
- Fixed a bug that would cause a faction to drop at BG
- Fixed bug with herb dupes on Shattered Islands
- Fixed quest issuing https://wowhead.com/quest=40524
- https://wowhead.com/quest=42124 - redesigned the script at https://wowhead.com/npc=106372
- https://wowhead.com/quest=31664 - set limit in 1-600 level of fishing (was 50-600)
- Fixed quest issuing https://wowhead.com/quest=10302
- https://wowhead.com/quest=6622 - added quest reward
- Updated execution zones of many tasks on the minicard
Dungeons and Raids:
- The Nighthold:
- Skorpyron:
- corrected the animation for Spot Kick
- fixed a bug that could cause [Shockwave] ability (https://wowhead.com/spell=204316/) to drop dead players
- rewritten Scorpid's Call ability, fixed the following errors:
- Fixed a bug that made an ability not always activate a scorpid group
- corrected the formation of a group of scorpions
- Fixed a bug that made the ability activate scorpions that were more than 12 yards away from the selected scorpion
- Skorpyron:
- Fixed a bug in settling combat pets in locations with a dynamic map, such as Drenor's Tanaan Jungle
- https://wowhead.com/item=143613 now has legendary quality, but it can still be sold
- https://wowhead.com/item=130171 - fixed item drop conditions
- https://wowhead.com/npc=89808 - Now it doesn't hit back.
- https://wowhead.com/quest=9452 - reworked the script at https://wowhead.com/item=23654
- https://wowhead.com/quest=3861 - reworked the script at https://wowhead.com/npc=620
- https://wowhead.com/item=19019 - added to the debugger in case an item is lost if a quest is done https://wowhead.com/quest=7787
- https://wowhead.com/item=139574 - corrected conditions of item falling out
- https://wowhead.com/item=130171 - fixed conditions of item dropout