Исправления июль 2019



Dungeons & Raids:

[Antorus, the Burning Throne] (http: // https: //ru.wowhead.com/antorus-the-burning-throne)

  • Implemented illuminated patrols;
  • Implemented most of the events (for example: the departure of Imonar);
  • Adjusted the flight between the platforms (to the Council).




  • Fixed a problem with throwing out characters of the Allied races of the Nightborne and Tauren Highmountain when teleporting from the starting location when creating a player.
  • The problem was fixed when game objects of the "trap" type did not work immediately. For example, buffs on the battlefields (berserker, acceleration, healing).
  • Removed the extra "Attack" ability in command panels during the control of toys like https://ru.wowhead.com/item=108633
  • https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=252510 - fixed receiving damage.

Pet Battles:

  • Fixed despawn when canceling a pet battle
  • Optimized start of pet battle




Bastion Improvements:




Dungeons and Raids:

[Abyss of Fire] (https://ru.classic.wowhead.com/ragefire-chasm):

  • The dungeon is completely rewritten.
  • Adjusted mobs spawns.
  • Added patrols.
  • Added all found events.
  • Added scripts for all NPCs in the dungeon.
  • Added many visual parts of the dungeon.

[Antorus, the Burning Throne] (https://ru.wowhead.com/antorus-the-burning-throne):

[Argus the Enslaved:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=124828)

Scythe of destruction:

  • Now it has a dynamic timer to “jerk”, for example, in normal difficulty it is 10 seconds, and in mythical 6.
  • No longer has to fly off the platform.
  • Rage of Sargeras:
  • The first tick now imposes one debuff of Unbridled rage, and not two as it was.
  • Death Cone:
  • The ability no longer applies to targets with debuff Rage of Sargeras
  • Fixed 1 exploit.

Bastions and Artifacts:



  • Adjustment of settlement in the Underdark (White Nest)
  • Settlement adjustment at Kun-Lai Summit (White Tiger Temple)
  • Adjustment of settlement in the Everbloom Valley (Go-Lai Halls)
  • Adjustment of settlement in the Shimmering Expanse



  • Mobs should no longer start moving along the route while they are under the control effect.


  • Now the amount of treatment https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=81749 will be calculated from your "underelicted" damage (previously calculated from the current damage, taking into account the target's protective or effects vulnerabilities)
  • Now the amount of treatment https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=195178 of your summoned https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=34433 will be calculated from its "underelicted" damage (previously calculated from the current damage, taking into account targets of protective or effects vulnerabilities)
  • Talent improvements https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=199484
    • Now the amount of additional damage to targets from https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=589 will be calculated as "not weakened" from the main target, because it does not fall on it
    • Fixed a bug where the damage from talent was devastating for a player or non-player target if triggered by a low-level target


  • A bug was fixed when https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=207558 didn’t work from all the listed “blessings”
  • Rewritten implementation of the subject https://ru.wowhead.com/spell=210992
    • Fixed a bug where the effect healed each target in the amount of 30% of the healing you made
    • Now the effect of the additional treatment will only work on the treatment being sent to you


Antorus, the Burning Throne:


  • The Taishalak corner - now under the aura, Catalysis is also not susceptible to the effects of repulsion / attraction.

Dragon Soul: After defeating Ultraksion, the NPC now appears on the ship, which starts the event. Also, the correct dialogs have been added to it.

Firelands: Lord Riolith: fixed loot drop in heroic mode.

20/07/2019 General: Fixed the moment when the pronunciation of the spells of passengers sitting on the vehicle was not visible. (Note: passenger on horseback). Fixed 4 reasons for server crash Optimization of the system for saving achievements

Items: https://ru.wowhead.com/item=60854 - fixed.

Dungeons and Raids:

Eye of Azshara: Commander Parges

Eternal Night Cathedral: Mephistrot:

  • Fixed the moment when the boss after the aveid could not appear.

Hellfire Bastions: Vazruden Herald:

  • Fixed loot.

Tomb of Sargeras:

  • Vigilant Maid After death, debuffs are now removed from players.

Posted in World of Warcraft: Legion on Jul 02, 2019