- The localization of achievements has been redone (now information about receipt is correctly displayed in all languages)
- Corrections to the display system of passed / locked insts and raids
- Fix checking for the possibility of dressing things under certain conditions
- Correction of the package responsible for the study / forgetting spells pet
- Fix package responsible for displaying script progress
- Fix ability to interrupt spell cast
- Additional corrections to working with energies in classes
- Test fix "sticking" swimming characters after leaving the water
- Implemented an artifact selection system (also works to select a spec on demand)
- Fixed client crash on some spells.
- Reputation issue fixed
- Fixed the study of archeology
- Fixed enchanting work
- Fixed the creation of items in blacksmithing
- Movement correction for HH with a double jump
- Multiple work on the database, the addition of new NPCs, GO, filling in texts
- Fixed the work of localization, now it should correctly show texts in the correct locale
- Fixed client crash
- Fixed two server crashes
- http://en.wowhead.com/quest=35146
- http://en.wowhead.com/quest=36285
- http://en.wowhead.com/quest=36275
- http://en.wowhead.com/quest=38382
- http://en.wowhead.com/quest=39383
- Fixed some teleporters
- Fixed two server crashes
- Fixed level of all mobs in new locks
- Fixed display of HP mobs in new locks
- Fixed MP generation in mobs in new locks
- Fixed client crashes in Dalaran
- Rogue: Cutthroat (test implementation of the chain on the artifact)
- Overpopulated Orgrimmar
- Overpopulated Stormwind
- Completely reloaded all the data on quests and zones showing on the map what to do
- Some corrections on the base (localization texts, new NPCs)
- Fixed server crash
- Implemented a system of additional tasks in the location
- Fixed a bug where an artifact selection plate was sent to everyone around
- Refinement of the character constructor, now it is possible to issue another gear (680 gear will be added later, as we collect the info from the office)
- Mob data was rebuilt and reloaded (bugs were found), new mobs were added
- Reassembled data on civil defense (some did not record names)
- Added new menus to mobs
- Updating data on loot (optimizing drop chances, adding new items, adding loot to mobs and GOs)
- Filling mobs with tasks (according to new collected data)
- Added new mob models
- Collected and filled equipment for mobs
- Fixed the position of mobs in the start of the location of the HH (the bug got out after the last update)
- Addition to the loot (due to bugs not all flooded yesterday)
- Returned "lost" quests during one of the updates
- Fixed server crash
- The basic scaling system for level, hp and mobs damage has been implemented (new blizzard system, in one lock for each player mobs will have their own level and their HP, one has 100 level with another 110 for example)
- Collected 680 gear for classes, now spells will be created in it (while some have a bug that does not issue an equip)
- Fixed client crash when porting a group to dungeon through LFR (Need tests)
- Another update of quest templates (found bugs, completely sorted quest templates)
- Once again, all locations of the legion are re-populated (zagabannaya animation)
- Fixed a bug where corpses of creatures could attack players or move
- Fixed issue of starting items for quests
- Fixed two teleportation effects
- Added over 100 teleportation points to spells
- The basic part of work with the wardrobe has been implemented (until you rejoice, he doesn’t plow, and even if he plowed in client 701 it is bagan and doesn’t plow anyway)
- Implementation of the work of artifacts has begun, the basic part has been done (also do not rejoice without a batch; nothing works yet)
- Fixed two server crashes
- Fixed display of progress in scripts
- A new type of scripting system has been implemented to simplify their scripting
- Fixed a bug where pop-up windows were visible to everyone around (the start message was seen by the horns of the whole dalaran or by the HX with each new message the message popped up again)
- Fixed operation of polygons at AT
- Fixed bug with incorrect animation transfer from mobs
- Fixed a bug when the flyer did not allow to fly if you are on the mount
- Corrections to spell castes (some sticking and GCD may be fixed)
- General quest fixes, some quest templates reworked
- Fixed crash and laying on the "Flurry of Blades" in the horn
- Fixed a problem when through the constructor the enchantment was not fully dressed
- Crash server fixed
- Added about 100 new items that did not exist before
- Fixed issue loading items
- Fixed client crash in some locations related to c3spline.cpp
- Fixed activation of a hairdressing chair
- Scaling correction for bosses of old content
- Another client crash fix on c3spline.cpp
- Amendments to the quest cap DH (fixed drop key and visibility activators)
- Fixed constant prok additional tasks
- Fixed two server crashes
- Fixed client crash on login
- Improvements in the casting system, should remove the problems of sticking spells
- Fixed server crash
- Fixed missing quests in starting locations
- Fixed display of NPC names in locations prior to the legion
- Additional corrections to spell castes
- Fixed repairman in the starting location of the HH
- Fixed server crash
- Fixed two crash servers
- Multiple corrections on quest chains in the starting location, correction of the quests themselves in the start location, should earn a large number of them (but not all, where the mobs fail in the geodata until they are fixed)
- Geo-date. Alpha version! The system worked out for the possibility of continuing work on the starting quest chain. Still need to test everything and maybe it is not stable yet or will cause server crashes! We will follow this after the launch.
- What can fix a new geodata?
- The mobs should stop crashing (Dalaran, starting DC of the DC, a lot of quests where the mobs disappeared)
- Mobs should stop disappearing (Insty when the mobs went to the upper levels, the starting chain of the HH Casemates of the guards, some quests where the mobs had to be searched in the caves)
- Mobs and spell castes should stop passing through textures
- A new teleport system has been implemented, now the port to the dalaran library and back should work, as well as the entrance to the Black Rook Hold dungeon
Mardum (current progress). Work on quests is divided into 2 parts. Part 1 is current, the basis of the chain, the ability to complete quests. Part 2 - visualization and additional mechanic.
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=40077
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=40378
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=39279
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=39049
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38759
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=40379
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=39050
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38765/enter-the-illidari-shivarra
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38766
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38813
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=39262
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=39495
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38727
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38819
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38725
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=40222
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=40051
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=39516/cry-havoc-and-let-slip-the-illidari
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=39663/on-felbat-wings
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38728/the-keystone
- http://legion.wowhead.com/quest=38729/return-to-the-black-temple