July 2020 fixes




  • Fixes in the chats.

Dungeons and Raids:

  • [Halls of Stone:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/halls-of-stone)
    • Fixed an issue due to which it was impossible to resurrect dead players.
  • [Brann Brzobeard:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=28070)
    • Fixed a moment when Brann could walk the same route twice.
    • Hostile NPCs will now continue to hit Brann if players are killed.
    • Brann no longer regenerates health during the event.
    • Added crash protection so that Brann's state would be restored after it.

[Naxxramas:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/naxxramas)



  • Fixed an issue where after using some abilities the client could crash after pressing "ESC".
  • Fixed a problem with the "sticking" of abilities, for example, on Vechicles. This also fixes the situation where such abilities stopped showing their cooldown.
  • Now in the interface will be visible "protection" from the interruption of the ability, if, for example, it is used by a NPC with masks of immunity to interrupt.




  • Fixed two reasons for the server crash
  • Rewritten system of Hover, fixed some bugs
  • Reworked the height correction system (search for a point located on the ground)
  • Adjustment for mobs flying in the ground (now mobs should fly above the ground according to their height data)
  • Correction of the visibility of objects from a high altitude according to the data from the server's office (even at high altitudes, objects on the ground should be visible)

Dungeons and Raids:



Dungeons and Raids:

[Azjol-Nerub:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/azjol-nerub)



  • NPC rollback should no longer drag them into textures. (test fix)


Check in:

  • Numerous patrol and path adjustments.
  • Adjustment of the settlement in the Pacific area.

Dungeons and Raids:

[Gundrak:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/)

[The Violet Hold:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/the-violet-hold)

  • Fixed defense system. Now trash kills.

[Scholomance] (https://ru.classic.wowhead.com/scholomance)

  • Reworked loot.

[Naxxramas:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/naxxramas)

[Obsidian Sanctum] (https://ru.wowhead.com/the-obsidian-sanctum)

  • Fixed 1 exploit.

[Vault Archavon:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/vault-of-archavon)


Death Knight:

Dungeons and Raids:

[Naxxramas:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/naxxramas)



Dungeons and Raids:

[Gundrak:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/gundrak)

[Halls of Stone:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/halls-of-stone)

[Obsidian Sanctum:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/the-obsidian-sanctum)

  • [Sartharion] (https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=28860)
    • Slightly adjusted the zone behind which the boss drops the threat in relation to the target. Previously there was a problem, the boss could drop the threat when the tank is standing on the edge of the island.
    • Added missing lines for dragons as they descend to aid Sartharion.
    • Adjusted the work of soft-enrage to 10% of the boss's health.

[Naxxramas:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/naxxramas)

  • [Kel'Thuzad] (https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=15990)
    • The door to Kel'Thuzad now opens after the end of the intro.
    • Added a missing monster zone near the entrance to Kel'Thuzad's room.
    • Now, before entering the battle, in the second phase, the boss clears the list of threats, so it will be easier for this tank to take it over.
      • Fixed problem with inappropriate behavior of beetles.
      • The boss no longer resets the entire raid threat after using the ability.


Dungeons and Raids:

  • In the interface, the button "update all dungeons", now updates not only dungeons, but also raids.




  • Fixed about 5 crashes
  • Fixed an issue that caused kernel instability
  • Fixed a space due to which the character did not return to the ship when relogging
  • Found a critical issue due to which some NPCs and GOs might not respawn
  • Fixed respawn of NPC and GO on ships


Dungeons and Raids:

[Naxxramas:] (https://ru.wowhead.com/naxxramas) Heroic:

    • Removed the ability to start a heroic mode for 10 players. It will soon be replaced by the "Trials" mode.
    • Mode Heroic 25 now has its own cooldown. This means that the 25ob-25ger modes no longer intersect, and have different CD, but the requirements for launching are saved and increased.
    • On Heroic Difficulty, the overall health of monsters is reduced by 20%.
    • After installing the update, it is recommended to clear the cache folder.

Posted in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King on Jun 30, 2020