Corrections October 2019




  • Improvement to the loot return system by mail
  • Implemented saving loot in containers after opening them (refers to chest items, now they do not disappear until you take all the loot from it)
  • Fixed 2 reasons for server crash
  • Fixed a problem due to which the Legion attacks on the broken islands might not be visible




  • Fixed a bug where duplicate abilities from triggering decreased twice in efficiency if they hit the target with effects of reducing all damage
  • Rewritten bonus
  • Fixed a bug where the additional damage was always equal to 85% of the original and was not enhanced by the feature of the artifact (increasing to 95.2%)
  • Fixed a bug where additional damage received bonuses to the owner’s damage twice (from the initial, and then for their own damage), or could be reduced twice by the effects of reducing all damage to the target.



  • Another refinement to the system for returning loot to mail
  • Improvement to the system for saving loot in containers, while some features are disabled to exclude the possibility of dup
  • The “Temple of the Jade Serpent” dungeon has been disabled since some mobs caused the server to crash, will be open only after full re-scripting
  • Fixed one cause of server crash


Cross (test version installed on test servers):

  • Implemented guild search in cross server environment
  • Fixed several server crashes when working cross
  • Additional adjustments to the mail, as it caused a server crash



  • Now minions summoned by the player will no longer have a range of auto-attack damage.
  • Fixed a problem where the corpse of the NPC during death could disappear if it had an aura associated with invisibility or its detection.
  • One reason was found and eliminated due to which the delay could increase, most often during a boss fight.
  • Fixed 4 reasons for server crash
  • Second fix for fixing bug in displaying attacks of the legion


  • Fully recalculated the damage of the auto-attack of the Felguard
  • Completely re-calculated the damage of the auto-attack from the Sinister hunters
  • Fully recounted damage of Wild demons


  • Fixed a bug where clones could attack some neutral targets. Now, with the automatic change of purpose, the clones will not choose those who are behind the barrier

Dungeons & Raids:

Destroyed halls:

  • The dungeon is completely rewritten and re-populated.
  • Added patrols.
  • Scripted all the mobs and bosses.
  • Added many micro-events.


Fixed compliant log

Bastions and Artifacts:

  • Partially rewritten the script for receiving the artifact of the Druid specialization Balance
  • Partially rewritten the script for receiving the artifact of the Druid specialization Sentinel
  • Partially rewritten script for receiving Druid Heal specialization artifact
  • Partially rewritten the script to receive the Druid artifact specialization Strength of the beast
  • Implemented a choice of the second, third and fourth artifact from the Druids


  • Correction of settlement in Lunnaya Polyana (Cells of Malfurion)
  • Settlement adjustment on the Broken Shore




Fixed settlement increased overall NPC activity:


Added items at the end of the quest:



  • Chat work has been rewritten to avoid cross-stream crashes
  • Several corrections to the activation of the channel "Search for satellites"
  • Fixed 2 reasons for server crash

Cross (test version installed on test servers):

  • Partially rewritten the work of guilds to work in a cross server environment
  • Fixed several server crashes when working cross
  • Several fixes when moving between cross-country

Dungeons and Raids:

  • Black Rook Fortress:
  • General:
    • Added missing boss / trash dialogs;
    • Adjusted settlement;
    • Patrols rewritten;
    • Added missing events and rewritten existing ones, including:
    • Reworked events of descent of stones on the stairs:
    • Fixed sequence on the first ladder;
    • Fixed end points on the second ladder;
    • Damage from a boulder in a collision with a stone now increases depending on the level of the epochal + dungeon;
    • Fully implemented the event of summoning a young felbat;
  • All trash scripts have been rewritten, including:
    • All timers for applying abilities are as close as possible to the official server;
    • Adjusted conditions for the use of abilities;
    • Illisanna-crest-crow:
    • Rewritten boss script:
    • Adjusted timers;
    • Rewritten the ability of the dark-jerk:
    • fixed the number and location of the input zones;
    • fixed jerking speed and priority goals;
    • Rewritten piercing-gaze ability:
    • Added a delay between applications of the ability;
    • Added a delay between the appearance of the beam and the beginning of the pursuit of the player;
    • frowning fierce:
    • Rewritten boss script:
    • Adjusted timers;
    • Realization of energy increase depending on the damage dealt by a mile attack;
    • felbat:
    • foul vortex:
    • increased the speed of creating entry zones;
    • castes will now occur from a more random direction due to the adjustment of settlement;
  • hate-look *:
    • rewritten event;
    • the player will always receive a stack of hate jerk debuff.
    • Lord-Kurtalos-Crest-Raven:
    • Rewritten boss script
    • Adjusted timers;
    • Event was adjusted upon transition to the second phase;
  • hypnotic-cloud:
    • now moves to the area around the spawn point
    • cunning-lord-horror:
    • fixed speed and sequence of appearance of input zones

Loot fixed:



  • A problem has been found and fixed due to which, with a small chance when entering the game, a character could throw 319 errors out of the game
  • Fixed a bug when all ported characters were not visible in transferred characters from other projects
  • Fixed a bug when the transferred characters did not give up the quests of the messengers
  • Fixed 2 reasons for server crash
  • Fixed a bug where it was not always possible to write in PM and wrote that there is no such character

Cross (test version installed on test servers):

  • Improvement to the work of groups in a cross-server environment, some bugs and problems have been fixed
  • Fixed several server crashes when working cross
  • Fixed several reasons for the departure of charms in the transition time between realms
  • Implemented synchronization of some statistics between realms of cross


  • Deception of death:
  • Added damage absorption limit, it is double the full health of the character.
  • Now, after the talent is triggered, the robber takes temporary damage absorption. This is necessary so that the robber does not die from several attacks committed in one period of time.


  • Moxibustion
  • Added damage absorption limit, it is double the full health of the character.


  • Divine intervention (213313)
  • Added damage absorption limit, it is double the full health of the character.

Death Knight:

  • Purgatory
  • Some corrections made, the character should no longer die, and later resurrected.


  • Staggering
  • Some corrections made, the character should no longer die, and later resurrected.



  • We continue to work on synchronizing the rotation of mobs. A recently encountered bug was fixed when the mobs hit the wrong place.
  • Removed the delay in teleporting a dead player after accepting resurrection. Now the player should not be killed by the VOID zones if there is a corpse in them.
  • Fixed two causes of server crash

Cross (test version installed on test servers):

  • Fixed two causes of disconnect when redirecting
  • Fixed display of server posts on other realms


  • Rewritten implementation of the subject Now the warrior will perform one more phase after the 3rd phase of strikes of the Whirlwind, and not make his full utterance.


Demon Hunter:

Death Knight:


  • The implementation of has been rewritten. Fixed a bug where the effect sometimes might not work. Added damage absorption limit, it is double the full health of the character.


Dungeons and Raids:



  • Fixed two reasons for the server crash.
  • Fixed display of quest points on maps in scenarios.

Cross (test version installed on test servers):

  • Implemented the work of donor vendors in a cross server environment.
  • Implemented a system of cross server database queries.
  • Implemented synchronization of the list of online players between realms.
  • Implemented synzronization of statistics of arena battles and passing instances between servers.
  • Improvement to the method of generating cross server requests.



  • Fixed two reasons for the server crash.
  • Fixed display of quest points on maps in scenarios.
  • Included in the PVP testing is part of the cross server, between three game realms.

Cross (test version installed on test servers):

  • Implemented the work of the "Black Market" in a cross server environment.
    • Included is the first part of cross-server work in the game worlds (PVP, arenas and BG).



  • The work of conservation of PVP talents has been established.
  • Now when examining a foreign player, you can see his PVP talents.
  • Fixed three reasons for the server crash.
  • Found and fixed another reason why it could not find players with a postscript in the server name.
  • Reorganization of the location, storage and compilation of server scripts.
  • Optimization of linking server libraries, partially managed to reduce the size of the executable file.

Dungeons and Raids:


  • Implemented the work of the Calendar in a cross server environment.
  • A system for reverse teleportation of a player has been developed if it hangs during a redirect to another realm.
  • The reason for the connection sticking between the realms was found, partially eliminated, debugging tests are conducted.
  • Partially rewritten the logic of the sockets through which there is a connection between cross servers.
  • Found a reason that led to exceptions when working with the socket clipboard.
  • The second part of cross-server work in the game worlds is included (the first of the PVE parts, general LFR and LFD).
  • The implementation of the cross-server system "Pre-assembled groups."




  • Fixed 4 reasons for server crash.
  • Found and fixed the reason why the reward in the PP was given once a week, and not once a day
  • Rewritten CD reset system for daylights


  • Implemented cross-server work "Pre-assembled groups"
  • Implemented the work of GI chat in a cross server environment



  • Fixed 4 reasons for server crash
  • Fixed visual twitching of NPCs when they move


  • Fixed bug with transferring gold between realms
  • The distribution of messages to players about a pre-assembled group has been rewritten, as it caused server crashes
  • Fixed the work of achievements after switching to cross
  • Changed dissolution of pre-assembled, as it caused a server crash
  • The player's return system is disabled if the port failed, as it caused crashes (now it will just kick from the game)
  • Implemented cleaning of pre-assembled groups if the cross server crashed
  • Implemented cleaning of queues in the BCP when the connection with the cross server is broken to avoid registration sticking
  • The player’s exit from the interserver group has been improved (for the player, he left the group, but the group remained so that he would not be dragged more to cross realm)
  • The problem with sticking the player’s panel on cross realm was found and fixed, this problem could also affect other bugs, such as the inability to trap mobs, etc.

Dungeons and Raids:



  • Fixed 2 reasons for server crash


  • Fixed a bug due to which some of the passive spells after switching to the inter-realm were not activated (for example, the spell Abduction of the Soul stopped working)

Dungeons and Raids:



  • Fixed 5 reasons for server crash
  • Changed the principle of globalization chats:
    • Now "Satellite Search" will not be the main global chat
    • Disabled automatic connection of chat "Search for satellites"
    • Removed automatic spelling of the word "Hello!" for chat visibility
    • Now the global chat will be the chat "World"
    • Also, global chats on locales of the form "World_ru", "World_en", etc.
    • Everyone will be reset channel settings when updating
    • Now the chats "World" and "World_ *" will be connected automatically (but only when creating a spell or resetting the chat settings, you will need to manually connect them later)
  • The reason that constantly broke the stalls of the hunts was found and eliminated


  • Support for cross server chat "Search for satellites" has been removed from cross server work; in place of it, support for cross server chats "World" and "World _ *" has been developed (on game servers, cross server chat will be connected later, after fixing some bugs)
  • Improvements to the reconnection system between cross servers during crashes (sometimes the connection sticks)

Dungeons and Raids:



  • Fixed 2 reasons for server crash


  • Includes universal cross server chat

Fixed tasks in BT for October

Posted in World of Warcraft: Legion on Oct 01, 2019