- Fixed 2 server crash
- Correction to the donat vendor localization system
- Fixed activation of the garrison upgrade
- Fixed 3 server crash
- Fixed restoration of buildings in the garrison (previously might not appear)
- Fixed garrison upgrade
- Fixed clearing the status of quests (quests for 4 LANs, etc.)
Artifacts and Bastions:
- Partially rewritten script for assignment http://wowhead.com/quest=42627
- Partially rewritten script for assignment http://wowhead.com/quest=42504
- Partially rewritten script for assignment http://wowhead.com/quest=40849
- Implemented a choice of the second and third artifact from the Rogues
- http://wowhead.com/quest=40832
- http://wowhead.com/quest=40839
- http://wowhead.com/quest=40840
- http://wowhead.com/quest=42501
- http://wowhead.com/quest=42502
- http://wowhead.com/quest=42503
- http://wowhead.com/quest=42539
- http://wowhead.com/quest=42568
- http://wowhead.com/quest=42627
- http://wowhead.com/quest=42504
- http://wowhead.com/quest=40847
- http://wowhead.com/quest=40849
- http://wowhead.com/quest=41919
- http://wowhead.com/quest=41920
- http://wowhead.com/quest=41921
- http://wowhead.com/quest=41922
- http://wowhead.com/quest=41924
- Settlement adjustment in Twilight Forest (Darkwood)
- Adjustment of settlement in the Twilight Forest (Raven Hill)
- Settlement adjustment in Blasted Lands (Storm Altar)
- Fixed 2 server crash
- Improvement to the work of the hidden type of achievements
- Fixed due to the construction of a 3rd level garrison for square
- Fixed sticking missions in the garrison
- Added several types of mission breakdowns that are stuck
- Now temporary bulwarks in the stronghold after the end of their use will immediately disappear
- Now healing from triggering an artifact feature https://wowhead.com/spell=186370 will no longer trigger procs pronounced as healing
- Fixed the deprivation of mana in the shape of a bear.
- Fixed a bug where after a quick application https://wowhead.com/spell=78674 after https://wowhead.com/spell=190984 sometimes a druid did not receive a bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=164545
- Fixed calculation error for Druid auto attack in the form for all specializations except "Beast Strength"
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the https://www.wowhead.com/spell=47666 spell lost the last tick, during the artifact feature bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=197763
- Fixed a bug where the effect of the item https://wowhead.com/item=132437 contributed to the creation of objects of the artifact feature https://wowhead.com/spell=194179
- Improvements to the features of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=194179:
- Now the damage done by the Abyssal sphere is counted as your damage, and not as damage from this object (for example, it will affect the calculation of your total and current damage per second by addons)
- Fixed a bug where all targets under the effect of https://wowhead.com/spell=589 received tremendous damage if the main blow from which additional damage is triggered is applied against a weak target (low level) and this damage could not be reduced
- Now the fragment of damage that you do to trigger this feature from abilities in a bunch (for example, applying in one second and https://wowhead.com/spell=205448 and https://wowhead.com/spell=8092) calculated from the percentage of the total damage of this bundle, and not be divided into two additional hits (optimization)
- Fixed a bug where the duration bonus from the feature of the https://wowhead.com/spell=238065 artifact for the called https://wowhead.com/spell=200174 was 4.5 seconds per rank, and not 1.5 seconds, as it was intended
- https://wowhead.com/spell=193371: Fixed a bug where the disappearance of one tentacle interrupted castes for the rest.
- Fixed a bug where the talent disorientation effect https://wowhead.com/spell=202272 worked on targets that are outside the monk's field of vision
- Fixed a bug where the remaining damage from https://wowhead.com/spell=115069 did not decrease if the damage caused by it was absorbed.
- Implemented an accelerated reduction of clawing out of combat
- Talent improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=55342
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to summon more than 3 clones
- Fixed a bug when the clones pronounced abilities stably twice, then the clones stopped attacking the target and started attacking it again after 2 seconds
Death Knight:
- Fixed a bug when the talent effect https://wowhead.com/spell=199720 gradually did not dissipate from the targets if the death knight is dead, but still on this map or did not leave the body
- https://wowhead.com/item=138225:
- Fixed a bug where, when the death of reflection, you still received reduced damage
- Minor corrections of the call itself (now it works when the attack reduces the damage immediately reduced to 50% of the owner’s health reserve)
- https://wowhead.com/item=151307:
- Fixed a bug where damage was not done if the target is above ground level.
- Fixed a problem where the damage reduction logic in wPvP did not affect the damage of this item
- https://wowhead.com/item=147018:
- the implementation has been completely rewritten, now when triggered the spear will attack all targets in a straight line located in the sector of the owner’s gaze
- Fixed 2 server crashes
- Now, streaming spells will not interrupt themselves when they have been reapplied to the target.
- Implementation of a common pandemic system for streaming spells.
- Rewritten garrison removal system through the NPC
- Fixed a bug when the player’s currency was not taken into account when taking the square and did not count towards
- Corrections for completing quests for building a garrison of the 2nd and 3rd level
- Fixed bugs with misses for pets
- Fixed bugs with player misses
- Multiple corrections have been made to the formulas for calculating odds of betting, blocking, evasion and misses
- Fixed the system of placing orders in the garrison (for full work, the implementation of quests is needed)
- Now for the spell https://wowhead.com/spell=15407 the pandemic effect will work. (increase in effect time (maximum 30%) with repeated use)
- Fixed a bug when the start of using the https://wowhead.com/spell=47540 ability still continued if the priest at that moment received a control effect
- Improvements to the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=110960:
- Fixed a bug where the ability removed two effects of periodic damage
- Fixed a bug where the damage reduction effect could be forever fixed
- Rewritten feature of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=194431:
- Now the second pillar will be made when pronouncing the ability, and not when it hits the first target
- Fixed a shift in the response zone due to practicing it on the target, and not in the specified radius, where https://wowhead.com/spell=2120 is applied
- Now the effect will work with a slight pause
- Fixed a bug when during the pronunciation of https://wowhead.com/spell=2120 under the action of https://wowhead.com/spell=48108 the following https://wowhead.com/spell=11366 or https: // wowhead .com / spell = 2120 did not receive a bonus to the instant pronunciation speed and did not spend a "lucky streak"
- Now for the spell https://wowhead.com/spell=209525 the pandemic effect will work.
- Now for the spell https://wowhead.com/spell=117952 the pandemic effect will work.
- Now for the spell https://wowhead.com/spell=198590 the pandemic effect will work.
- Now for the spell https://wowhead.com/spell=234153 the pandemic effect will work.
- Fixed a bug where the https://wowhead.com/spell=193440 spell could be interrupted after repeated use.
- https://wowhead.com/item=151975 - now the reduction in the recovery time of the item will occur passively, and not only when you activated its effect
- Fixed 5 server crashes
- Lots of small fixes for the operation of the garrison
- Redone the offline auto-quest system for offline
- Fixed PvP talent https://wowhead.com/spell=196162
- Fixed a bug where the slowdown from https://wowhead.com/spell=242712 could not be removed by effects that should do this (for example, https://wowhead.com/spell=1044)
- Fixed a bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=106839 sometimes deployed a druid with his back to the target.
- Fixed a bug due to which the last tick of some healing and damaging effects was not correct.
- Now after the resurrection, the character will have as much mana as he had before death, but not less than the amount indicated in the spell that raised him.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=202767: Fixed a bug where sometimes after casting a spell it did not increase.
- Improvements to the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=198304:
- Fixed a bug where moving to the target sometimes did not work (this happened in most cases when you use it on an ally)
- Now you can apply the ability to an ally if he is less than 10 meters from you
- Fixed a bug where the feature of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=203261 when intercepting an attack from https://wowhead.com/spell=147833 consumed two charges at once
- Talent improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=29838
- Now the healing effect will no longer be interrupted by non-damaging effects
- Fixed a bug where the effect of the treatment could add up
- Fixed the loss of one tick of pronouncing the ability of the creature https://wowhead.com/spell=193470
- Fixed a bug when the operation of https://wowhead.com/item=151808 occurred before the moment of the removal of magic charges with the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=44425, which in some situations was released https://wowhead.com/spell = 153626 might not have created them at all
- Fixed a bug when the triggering of the feature of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=188006 came from the point of location of the magician himself, and not his main target
- https://wowhead.com/spell=130283 - now you will receive this effect from the daily task only if it meets your level
- Talent improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=109248:
- Fixed spam visual effect of the binding of the arrow and targets located in the area of its action
- The conflict of imposing a deafening and connecting effect from other hunters in this area when the lifetime of the first arrow is about to end is fixed
- Adjustments to the implementation of the features of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=182234:
- Fixed a bug when a feature was triggered by harmless effects that are considered positive for you.
- Now your own effect of loss of control reflected in you will not trigger this feature. > Some errors are too good to make them once (s)
- Now triggering https://wowhead.com/item=137069 will no longer trigger triggering effects
- Rewritten implementation of https://wowhead.com/item=144236:
- Fixed many ways to leave a positive effect for an infinite duration of action
- Fixed a bug where when the transfer of the threat to the target with the ability https://wowhead.com/spell=57934 to an ally did not recalculate the aura duration up to 6 seconds
- Fixed talent work https://wowhead.com/spell=221622
- Fixed a bug where the feature of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=242707 when the bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=197369 was triggered created twice the energy of 8 units
- Now the feature of the artifact https://wowhead.com/spell=197369 when the additional reception of the series is triggered will be displayed as receiving 2 receptions of the series, and not 2 times in a single reception
- Fixed a bug when the overlay of the transformation from the talent https://wowhead.com/spell=196932 for the target immune to it still imposed a penalty effect that did not allow to receive the transformation again
- Rewritten bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=251764:
- Fixed a bug where only up to 4 targets could get a healing effect in the range https://wowhead.com/spell=73920
- Rewritten bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=251765:
- Fixed a bug when the effect worked on a target that is not even in the range of your https://wowhead.com/spell=73920
- Fixed a bug when the redirected talent damage https://wowhead.com/spell=204331 was higher than the set value
- Fixed a bug where the use of jump abilities (for example, https://wowhead.com/spell=152150) after landing turned the caster in a random direction.
- Fixed another reason when after a quick application https://wowhead.com/spell=78674 after https://wowhead.com/spell=190984 sometimes the druid did not receive the bonus https://wowhead.com/spell=164545
- Completely rewritten the logic of the spell https://wowhead.com/spell=194509. Optimization, fixed some bugs and implemented the correct logic for selecting goals by priority.
- Now https://wowhead.com/spell=5143 will create a “spell charge” when casting a spell
- Fixed a bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=198148 activated the damage effect multiple times in the bonus area of the item https://wowhead.com/item=144260
- Now https://wowhead.com/spell=84714 will create a charge of “ice fingers” when it hits the first enemy for the first time on his way
- Now https://wowhead.com/spell=198149 (transformed by the talent https://wowhead.com/spell=198148) will create a charge of "ice fingers" when it hits the first enemy for the first time, who is located or enters the area action talent
- Fixed a bug when being inside the target’s hitbox and applying https://wowhead.com/spell=152150 to it - the robber sent to the edge of this hitbox.
- Fixed a bug when using https://wowhead.com/spell=199804 you started stunning diminishing not only for this purpose, but also for yourself
- Fixed a bug where after applying https://wowhead.com/spell=199804, https://wowhead.com/spell=185763, https://wowhead.com/spell=202895 for a short time the weapon visually disappeared in your left hand, which hindered the rendering of attacks with weapons with your left hand
- Rewritten talent https://wowhead.com/spell=210689. Implemented a system of summing damage from the spell https://wowhead.com/spell=188443
- https://wowhead.com/item=90883
- https://wowhead.com/item=104323
- https://wowhead.com/item=104324
- https://wowhead.com/item=90888
- https://wowhead.com/item=153182
- https://wowhead.com/item=130254 (elimination of exploits, upgrade of primary implementations)
- Another ability adjustment https://wowhead.com/spell=5143:
- Now you will get a "magic charge" if you even unsuccessfully stopped its utterance
- Fixed a bug when having https://wowhead.com/spell=212653 talent, your https://wowhead.com/spell=195676 still interrupted the current casting of the spell
- Improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=44544:
- Fixed a bug where the ability to do damage over an area (https://wowhead.com/spell=84721) caused proc, even if it didn’t get anywhere
- Fixed a bug when pronouncing https://wowhead.com/spell=116 then the effect worked and its impact with the probability of this probability
- https://wowhead.com/spell=186260 - Fixed a bug when being inside the target’s hitbox and applying the harpoon of the hunter to it sent to the edge of this hitbox.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=213466 - Fixed a bug when being inside the target’s hitbox and applying the jerk of the Terrible Beast sent it to the edge of this hitbox.
- Rewritten passive ability triggering method https://wowhead.com/spell=196912:
- Now the effect will be triggered by the timer of successfully completed attacks, and not after a certain fixed recovery time
Death Knight:
- Now the feature of the https://wowhead.com/spell=192558 artifact will add a bonus to the total damage reduction from https://wowhead.com/spell=195181 (and not the base one) when the https: // wowhead talent is triggered. com / spell = 211078
- https://wowhead.com/spell=194247 - Fixed a bug when, being inside the target’s hitbox and applying a jerk to it, the sinister hunter was sent to the edge of this hitbox.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=196881 - A bug was fixed when, being inside the target’s hitbox and applying a jump to it, the shaman was sent to the edge of this hitbox.