- Found and fixed the cause of the client crash on the boss in OO
- Disabled removing auras from other players during teleportation
- Found and fixed the cause of client crashes when using "Transcendence"
- Fixes to the "Statue of the Jade Serpent" skill
- Fixed bugs where the effects of many abilities (see the list below), counteracting lethal damage could not work in certain situations
- Fixed 2 reasons for the server crash
- Now the talent "Scream of destruction" and the ability "Zubotychin" have a total cooldown of 15 seconds. Scream of Destruction continues to have a 40 second cooldown, but will no longer be able to use this talent for 15 seconds. after I applied "Zubotychina".
- Now the maximum amount of absorption by the "Divine Aegis" shield will be equal not to 40, but to 60% of the priest's maximum health
- Fixed a bug when https://wowhead.com/spell=31850, when the health replenishment was triggered up to 15%, it sometimes replenished it twice as much, because it had a critical effect
- Now the effect from https://wowhead.com/item=45768 will not end when stealth is applied or canceled.
- https://wowhead.com/item=86590 - now it is possible to apply only in some locations of Pandaria
- Improvements https://wowhead.com/spell=146193:
- Abilities or talents that protect against killing blow will no longer trigger simultaneously with this effect. Now the effect will work as early as possible, but taking into account the possibility of their reduction from capacity
- example 1. Behavior with an active effect https://wowhead.com/spell=31850 will take priority over the activity and capacity of this ability
- example 2. Behavior with a passive talent https://wowhead.com/spell=114556 will have the highest priority, since the cloak's cooldown is faster than the passive talent
- Sound effect will play correctly when triggered
- Fixed a bug, when receiving simultaneous damage in one piece of time, the cloak effect could not work