Description of symbols
- re-scripting completed - the active development phase is completed, commits take place only on player reports
- Processing started - the process of active correction by the developer (s) is ongoing, player reports are being accepted and actively corrected
- plans for re-scripting - there are plans for re-scripting, reports are being received, mostly critical problems are fixed
- Cross-server system implementation - completed
- Launch of the system of seasons for mythics + - expected completion of corrections for these dates, estimated dates - early December
- Implementation of the tournament system to determine the winners in the arena - 0% (currently there are no free developers)
- Development of a new spectator - 0% (expected free developer)
- Garrisons and Bastions - processing began, completed by 80%
- Battle Pet - plans for re-scripting
Artifact Chains:
- Warrior - re-scripting completed
- Hunter - re-scripting completed
- Demon Hunter - re-scripting completed
- Rogue - plans to re-write
- Mage - plans to re-write
- Shaman - re-scripting completed
- Death Knight - plans to re-write
- Priest - re-scripting completed
- Druid - plans to re-write
- Monk - plans for re-writing
- Warlock - re-scripting completed
- Paladin - plans for re-writing
Legion Zones:
- Val'sharah - re-scripting completed
- Stormheim - re-scripting completed
- Highmountain - re-scripting completed
- Azsuna - re-scripting completed
- Suramar - re-scripting completed
- Broken Shore - re-scripting completed
- Argus - no processing required
Dungeons of the Legion:
- Halls of Valor - re-scripting completed
- Maw of Souls - transcript completed
- Darkheart Thicket - re-scripting completed
- The Arcway - re-scripting completed
- Eye of Azshara - re-scripting completed
- Black Rook Hold - transcript completed
- Neltharion's Lair - re-scripting completed
- The Violet Hold - transcript completed
- Vault of the Sentinels - re-scripting completed
- Court of the Stars - re-scripting completed
- Eternal Night Cathedral - re-scripting completed
- Return to Karazhan - re-scripting completed
- Triumvirate place - re-scripting completed
Legion Raids:
- Emerald Nightmare - re-scripting completed
- The Nighthold - transcript completed
- Trial of Valor - re-scripting completed
- Tomb of Sargeras - re-scripting completed
- Antorus, the Burning Throne - re-scripting completed
Pre-legion zones
- Draenor - processing started, completed by 15%
- Pandaria - processing started, completed by 75%
- Cataclysm - processing started, completed by 5%
- The Lich King - processing started, completed by 20%
- Burning Crusade - processing started, completed by 65%
- Classic - processing started, completed by 10%
Dungeons to the Legion
- Draenor - plans to re-write
- Pandaria - processing started, completed by 35%
- Cataclysm - plans to re-write
- The Lich King - plans to re-write
- Burning Crusade - processing started, 50% complete
- Classic - plans for re-scripting
Raids before the Legion
- Draenor - plans to re-write
- Pandaria - processing started, completed by 25%
- Cataclysm - plans to re-write
- The Lich King - plans to re-write
- Burning Crusade - plans to re-write
- Classic - plans for re-scripting